SAP Program RPIPITU2 - Delimiting Garnishments

This report enables you to completely delimit a garnishment, i.e., tochange the end date of the validity period to the specified date. Youcan specify this date in the Delimit with end date field in theselection screen. If you leave this field empty the system will use thecurrent date as the delimitation date.
Use the field Date for proposal if released to choose whichgarnishments should be flagged to be delimited. The process is describedin more detail below. If you leave this field empty the system will usethe current date.
You can use the field Status to select the category(ies) ofgarnishments that you want to consider; for example, if you want todelimit only 'Inactive' or 'Released' garnishments. If you do notspecify a status, all garnishments are selected for furtherconsideration.
Only garnishments that belong to the specified status are chosen to bein the list. A garnishment in the list which meets the followingcriteria is flagged to be delimited if:

  • It has status Released,

  • The released date is earlier than the date specified in the Date for
  • proposal if released field described above.
    There are two ways to start this report. If you have not set a flag forthe field 'Run as batch processing', a list is created of all selectedgarnishments and the default garnishments are flagged (using the abovealgorithm). You can choose to reject these defaults or set flags forother garnishments which were not proposed by the system. To chooseother garnishments that were not proposed by the system, cross the 'C'checkboxes, to reject the proposed ones, unmark the 'C' checkboxes.
    If you have set a flag for the field 'Run as batch processing', a listis not created. Instead, a batch input session is created immediately.Only the garnishments proposed by the system are used.
    You can process the batch input session via the menu path System ->Services -> Batch input -> Sessions.

    The list has the following structure:
    The garnishments are grouped according to

    • Personnel area

    • Personnel subarea

    • Employee group

    • Employee subgroup

    • This is followed by information on the
      • Employee

      • Status, Priority, and Category of the garnishment

      • Vendor, Released date and Case number

      • Garnishment number

      • A flag that has been set for the field 'D' means that the garnishment
      • meets the above criteria, i.e., it can be delimited.
        • The first field in the list determines whether the garnishment should be
        • used for creating the batch input session.
          Double-clicking on an entry in the list enables you to view themasterdata of the corresponding garnishment.