Program | Text |
RPICSRN0 | Savings Scheme Conversion Report (NL) |
RPICSRN0_1 | Conversion Report for Savings Schemes 0011 to 0854 |
RPICSRN0_2 | Conversion report for transfer of savings data SP (NL) |
RPIDABA0 | Batch-Input: Pflege von Infotyp Datumsangaben (0041) |
RPIDUP00 | Program RPIDUP00 is no longer supported |
RPIDVU00 | Update Routine for Insert/Delete in Table T535P |
RPIECAA0 | Abgrenzung des Infotyps Familie und Initialisierung des Kennz. e-Card |
RPIELDA0_ESS | ESS Change of name and address: Create IT0367 records |
RPIEWT00 | Create Batch Input Session for Employee Expenditures |
RPIEWT01 | List for Table TEXLGA (Employee Expenditures) |
RPIEWT02 | Reorganize Table TEXLGA (Employee Expenditures) |
RPIEWT03 | Employee Expenditures: Incorrect Batch Input Sessions Exist |
RPIEWT04 | Batch Input: Process sessions in batch |
RPIEZOD0 | One-Time Payment for Standard Pay Increase |
RPIEZOD0_2003 | Einmalzahlung im Jahr 2003 |
RPIEZOD0_2003_VE | Einmalzahlung für Versorgungsempfänger im Jahr 2003 |
RPIF00FI | Export |
RPIFBAN0 | Batch input for creation of infotype Reasons for Change (0378) |
RPIFBBN0 | Batch input for creation of infotype General Benefits Data (0171) |
RPIFBLN0 | Determine/save source amounts |
RPIGA0E0 | Calculation annual taxable income |
RPIGVEA0PBS | Gemeinsame Versteuerung: Export monatlich |
RPIGVIA0PBS | Gemeinsame Versteuerung: Import monatlich |
RPIGVJA0PBS | Gemeinsame Versteuerung: Export jährlich |
RPIISVN0 | Conversion of Infotype Social Insurance NL (0059) |
RPIJSSFI | ADP Program Interface: 55 IJSS SICKNESS |
RPIJSTD0 | Batch Input for Creating New Tax Records at Beginning of Year |
RPIKOPN0 | Batch Input for Initialization of Infotype Childcare NL (0525) |
RPIKSGA0 | Batch Input Session for Sickness Certificate Charges (Austria) |
RPIKSHA0 | Batch Input Session for Sickness Cetificate Data (Austria) |
RPIKUGD0 | Batch Input for RHC/BWP |
RPILAJN0 | Conversion of Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) |
RPILANN0 | Infotype Wage Return (0808) Conversion |
RPILOID0 | BI zur Vorbelegung des inidividuellen Referenzzinssatzes bei Darlehen |
RPILSKA0 | Using batch input to create new tax records |
RPILVA00 | Leave Accrual |
RPILVAF0 | Generate leave entitlement |
RPILVEW0 | Leave entitlement / Quota allocation report - Southern Africa |
RPIMBIE0 | Calculation of taxable income and/or batch input |
RPINCL00 | This report is no longer used |
RPINCL10 | String Search in Reports |
RPIPAVD0 | BI zur Vorbelegung des Kennzeichens 'pfandfrei' im Infotyp 0699 |
RPIPENA0 | Ruhegenussberechnung |
RPIPITA0 | Create Batch Input Session for Garnishment - Austria |
RPIPITD0 | Create Batch Input Session for Garnishment - Germany |
RPIPITU0 | Changing Garnishment Status from Active to Inactive |
RPIPITU1 | Changing Garnishment Status from Pending to Active |
RPIPITU2 | Delimiting Garnishments |
RPIPKLC0 | HR-CH: PF: Universal evaluation list with creation of BI session |
RPIPPID0 | Kopieren ausgewählter Pfändungen zu einem Stichtag |
RPIPSR00 | Pay Scale Reclassification |
RPIREDE1 | Delete Task Lists Previously Archived |
RPIREDE2 | Deletion of Task Lists without Archiving |
RPIREWR1 | Archiving and Deletion of Master Recipes |
RPIRRVA0 | BI Maintainance for Date Type Retro. Accnt. Previous Year IT0041 |
RPISCAI0 | Pay scale jump batch input: update infotypes 0008 and 0159 (I) |
RPISCAI1 | Pay scale jump batch input: infotypes 0000, 0008, and 0159 (I) update |
RPISIAPT0PBS | SIADAP Batch input: Maintain Infotype 3218 |
RPISIFS0 | Batch input yearly update of union amounts SIF |
RPISSEG0 | HR-GB: Batch update of SSP Easement flag on IT0084 |
RPISTAD0 | Generieren der Strukturausgleichslohnart in den Infotyp 0008 |
RPISTAM0 | Import Danish training codes (DUN codes) |
RPISTDI0 | Batch Input Load Infotypes (I) |
RPISTDI2 | Batch Input Load Infotype 0001 (I) |
RPISTDI3 | Batch Input Load Infotype 0001 (I) |
RPISTLVP | Pay Scale Reclassification due to change in job code |
RPISTVD0 | Batch-Input für Versorgungsbezugsempfänger |
RPISTVD1 | Batch-Input für Versorgungsbezugsempfänger |
RPISTWM0 | Import Danish work center codes (DISCO codes) |
RPISVBA0 | Batch Input Report for Setting Contr. Groups and Retroactive Accountng |
RPISVBD0 | Batch-Input zur Aufhebung der Sonderzuständigkeit der BKKs ab 1.1.2001 |
RPISVED0 | Batch-Input Umsetzung des KV-Kennzeichens "erhöhter Beitrag" ab 2009 |
RPISVFD0 | Batch-Input zur Umstellung Versicherungsverhältnis wegen Neuregelung |
RPISVGD0 | Batch Input for New Regulations for Part-Time EEs from 01.04.1999 |
RPISVKD0 | Batch-Input für Nachfolgekassen in Infotyp Sozialversicherung (0013) |
RPISVMD0 | Batch-Input zur Neuregelung der Geringfügigen zum 01.04.2003 |
RPISVRD0 | Batch Input for Changing Maximum HI Gross Amount (Germany) |
RPISVZD0 | Batch-Input zur Umsetzung des RV-Schlüssels bei Angestellten ab 2005 |
RPISZVA0 | Batch-Input für Akontierung mittels IT 0015 für Sonderzahlungen |
RPIT25APP | Integration infotype 25: Conversion of available data |
RPITAXS0 | Batch input for taxes infotype 0273 |
RPITIG00 | Pay Scale Reclassification |
RPITIGVP | Pay scale reclassification |
RPITRF00 | Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input |
RPITRF01 | Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input |
RPITRF01_2008 | Tariferhöhung im Jahr 2008 für den TVöD |
RPITRFVP | Enhanced Std Pay Increase (Indirect and Direct WTs) with Batch Input |
RPITUM00 | Pay Scale Reclassification acc. to Age or Pay Scale Membership Period |
RPITUMVP | Pay Scale Reclassification acc. to Age or Pay Scale Membership Period |
RPITUOD2 | Default List for Advancement of Case Groups |
RPITVON0 | Batch Input: Change Tax Class/Select Increased OT |
RPIUNIVP | Reversing hike in pay for non-accepting unions |
RPIVACP0 | HR-PT: Batch input to generate vacation allowance wage types in IT0015 |
RPIWKTP0 | HR-PT: Batch input for Planned Working Time |
RPIWPBN0 | Addition of "PW" Act Activities (Infotype 0764) |
RPIZVAD2 | Batch-Input-Mappe Infotyp 0051 (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006) |
RPKPPT01 | CO Obj. Planning: Fill Table KPPT for Application P |