SAP Program RPDABWD0 - Absences documentation and consistency check (D)


When setting up and maintaining absences, you must take manyinternational und national tables into account. Some of these tablescontain information necessary for payroll.
These are national indicators of how to process, for example, absenceswith reference to tax, social insurance and so on, and valuationspecifications that describe the monetary effects of the absence.
Since most of the tables are also time-sensitive, you must ensure thatthere are no gaps in the entries and that the entries from other tablesmatch in their time-delimitations.
Report RPDABWD0 generates an overview for the selected absences in thespecified period using the relevant payroll data, and, in addition,issues an error list, which displays the tables that have missingentries. The table key and, for time-sensitive tables, the start dateare specified for this.
Note that the consistency check only takes place for the specifieddocumentation periods. If a missing table entry is issued, the reporthas to be run again for this entry. Since the table is built with aheirarchical structure, this can lead to additional missing tableentries. For this reason, the report has to be run until no moremissing table entries are issued.