SAP Programs

Program Text
RPCWRKM5 Fill Prouezz Container before sending
RPCWTDG0 HR-GB: Working Time Directive
RPCWUBD0 Transfer income/contributions CPS
RPCWUBD0_SUBMIT Transfer income/contributions CPS
RPCWVSD0 Start calculation of pension using processing type
RPCWVSD1 Start Creation of Interface Data Using Processing Type
RPCXMLK0_VALIDATE XML File Validation in Relation to XML Schema
RPCXPRA1 Main: XPRA example
RPCYECM0 Read corrections from PBS accumulators fron T5M8W and store in file
RPCYERK0 Year End Reporting, Canada
RPCYERK0_CE Year End Reporting, Canada
RPCYERK1 Year End Reporting, Canada: Tax Form Reprint
RPCYERK2 Year End Reporting, Canada: Run Viewer
RPCYERK2_CE Year End Reporting, Canada: Run Viewer
RPCYERK3 Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media
RPCYERK3_CE Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media
RPCYERK3_MRQ_XML Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media - MRQ XML
RPCYERK3_XML Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media - CRA XML
RPCYERK4 Year End Reporting, Canada: Outsourcing
RPCYERK5 Year End Reporting, Canada: TemSe file -> PCL4 conversion utility.
RPCYERK5B TemSe file -> PCL4 conversion utility.
RPCYERK6 Year End Reporting, Canada: Combo. Outsourcing and Print Utility
RPCYERK6_CE Year End Reporting, Canada: Combo. Outsourcing and Print Utility
RPCYERK7 YE Amendment Reason Report, Canada.
RPCYERKX User Exits for Year-End Reporting (YER)
RPCYERKZ Year End Reporting, Canada: Customer exit for additional sort criteria
RPCYERKZ_CE Year End Reporting, Canada: Customer exit for additional sort criteria
RPCZFAD0_BZ01 Erstellen ZfA-Meldungen BZ01
RPCZFAD0_BZ02 Erstellen ZfA-Meldungen BZ02
RPCZFAD0_INBOUND Verarbeitung aller Meldungen im Eingangsverzeichnis
RPCZFAD0_KZ01 Erstellen ZfA-Meldungen KZ01
RPCZFAD0_KZ02 Erstellen ZfA-Meldungen KZ02
RPCZFAD0_ZB01 Verarbeiten ZfA-Meldungen ZB01
RPCZFAD0_ZK01 Verarbeiten ZfA-Meldungen ZK01
RPCZIHD0 Zuordnung von Eingangsmeldungen im Zahlstellenverfahren
RPCZILD0 Sachbearbeiterliste für Zahlstellen-Eingangsmeldungen
RPCZIVD0 Meldungen der Krankenkasse verarbeiten
RPCZOBD0 Bestandsmeldungen erstellen
RPCZOHD0 Übertragung von Meldungen der Zahlstelle an die Krankenkasse
RPCZOLD0 Sachbearbeiterliste für Zahlstellenmeldungen an die Krankenkasse
RPCZOMD0 Mahnliste für unbestätigte Beginnmeldungen
RPCZOVD0 Versorgungs-/Kapitalleistungsmeldungen erstellen
RPCZSLD0 Anzeige von Zahlstellenmeldungen
RPCZULC0 HR-CH: Calculate Bonus Wage Types
RPCZVBD2 Beitragsnachweis (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006)
RPCZVCD0 Copy and Compare Entries Within SPF Tables
RPCZVDD0 Supplementary Pension Public Sector - Create Data Medium
RPCZVDD2 Datenträgererstellung (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006)
RPCZVDTAD0 Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Transfer/Advice Note for Cont.
RPCZVDTAD2 Ermittlung der Beiträge (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006)
RPCZVDTSD2 Überweisung der Beiträge (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006)
RPCZVFD2_PDF Druckreport Lieferschein / Etikett ZV-Meldewesen
RPCZVHD0 Utility program for editing entries in cluster ZV
RPCZVJD1 Supplementary Pension:Public Sector-View Estimated Annual Contribution
RPCZVKD2 Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Contribution Statement
RPCZVM2T Data transfer from features in extended tables
RPCZVMD0 Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Create Notifications
RPCZVMD1 Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Print Notifications
RPCZVMD2 Meldungserstellung (ZV-Meldeprogramm 2006)
RPCZVMD3 Check Digit Procedure for Supplementary Pension Funds
RPCZVSD0 Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Calculation of Average
RPCZVSHELLD0 Usability Wrapper for Supplementary Pension Program PSG
RPCZVUD0 Subroutine Pool for Calculating ASB/SPF Contributions
RPC_PAYROLL_RESULTS_V0 Test Payroll Results
RPDABSV0 Absence documentation and consistency check (Norway)
RPDABWD0 Absences documentation and consistency check (D)
RPDADVFI Read and change TemSe file
RPDASC00 Formatting schemas and personnel calculation rules
RPDAVMD0 Dokumentation Altersvermögensgesetz
RPDBVVD0 Dokumentation Bankenversorgung
RPDDICFI Download information for FADP file format for ADP/GSI interface
RPDELCR0 Delete IR8A cluster results
RPDEM011 HR: PROVIDE Statement
RPDEM021 HR: JOIN of Infotypes
RPDEM022 HR: Projection on Infotype Fields
RPDFLSD0 Übersichtsdarstellung für Fiktivläufe
RPDHDL9S Program Status Handler
RPDHDL9SV1 Program Status Handler
RPDIND00 Builds up T512J from T512U and stores SPRSL in T512U
RPDINF01 Infotypes and Subtypes
RPDKON00 Wage Type Assignment - Display G/L Accounts
RPDKWI01 KWIC Index for System Documentation
RPDLAWC2 Wage Statement 2005 - Use of Wage Types
RPDLGA00 Wage Types from Table T511 or T512T
RPDLGA20 Use of wage types in payroll
RPDLGA40 T512W: Cumulations, Evaluation Classes and Processing Classes
RPDPFD00VSPL Call Hierarchy
RPDPY1D0 Dokureport zu T5DP1
RPDSCH00 Key Plans for Education Types (P0022)
RPDSHOWI Display Infotypes with Data Dictionary Structures
RPDSIBB0 Generate SI declaration
RPDSIFB0 Personnel statement
RPDSIGB0 Download of SI Declaration File
RPDSNS00 Conversion report for RPDSYS customer documentation to HRDSYS docu.
RPDSNS10 Transport Tool for HRDSYS Customer Documentation
RPDSNS20 DSYS: Conversion of Short Text (T512U -> Object-Dependent Tables)
RPDSNS_COUNT HRDSYS: Display Table Entries Using ALV (New)
Lines 38201 to 38300 of 57103 entries
1 381 382 383 384 385 572