SAP Program RPCWCCK0 - Workers' Compensation Assessable Earnings Report

Workers' Compensation Assessable Earnings Report

This program provides your enterprise with the information that isrequired for reporting to provincial and territorial Workers'Compensation Boards (WCBs).

On January 1, 2001, a new method of calculating workers' compensationpremiums was introduced in the standard system. Wage type applicationsfor WCB reporting must be configured (or re-configured) after this dateto accommodate the new method of premium calculation. To this end, youmust (re-)configure the following Payroll Canada Implementation Guidestep after January 1, 2001 and before you execute thisprogram.

  • Workers' Compensation

  • -> WCB reporting: Maintain wage type applications

    The following options are provided on the selection screen of theprogram:

    • Period criteria (required)

    • Specify start and end dates to run the program for a desired timeperiod; all pay periods whose pay date lies in the selected intervalwill be processed. You may also specify an individual pay period forwhich WCB reporting should be performed.
      • Personnel selection criteria (required)

      • In addition to standard personnel selection criteria (for example,personnel number and company code), additional criteria can be accessedvia the Further selections pushbutton. Here, you can run theprogram by personnel area, organizational unit, job, position, costcentre, and so on.
        • WCB parameters

        • Employment jurisdiction (optional)
          To delimit the results by jurisdiction, enter a provincial orterritorial abbreviation, if desired.
          Workers' Comp. account (optional)
          To display results for certain accounts only, simply enter the accountnumbers in the selection fields.
          Display YTD (Year-To-Date) numbers (optional)
          By default, the program only shows results for the selected timeperiod. However, by selecting this checkbox, you can also displayyear-to-date numbers. The selection period end date determines the yearfor which YTD results are displayed.
          Example: If the selection period end date is March 31, 2003, then YTDnumbers will be cumulated from January 1, 2003 until March 31, 2003.
          Display employee details (optional)
          By default, the program output shows results by province, account andclassification code. However, by selecting this checkbox, you can alsodisplay employee personnel numbers, Social Insurance Numbers and names.
          Prorate between provinces (optional)
          By selecting this checkbox, you can prorate assessable earnings byprovince. This option should only be selected at the end of the yearfor the whole year, that is, from January to December. Assessableearnings within one company are combined to determine the province(s)in which employees exceeded maximum contributions. Amounts in excess ofthe provincial maximum are prorated accordingly. To this end, theportion of income from the province with excess contributions ismeasured in ratio to the total income. The excess provincialcontribution is multiplied by this ratio, then subtracted from theassessable earnings for the province. The resulting amount reflects theprorated assessable earnings. For additional information on thistopic, refer to the description of prorated assessableearnings for Workers' Compensation.
          Please consult your local WCB representative to find out whether youare entitled to file prorated assessable earnings! Nova Scotia earningswill not be prorated.
          The program will not adjust the insurable earnings on the payrollcluster, nor will it adjust the WCB contributions paid. Proratedresults are only displayed within the output of this program!
          Furthermore, in the event that cross-year results exist for anemployee, then these results are not considered for proration. Onlycurrent year results are prorated!
          • Wage type application (optional)

          • In this field, you can specify a wage type application - that is, areporting tool that contains a collection of either pre-configured oruser-defined wage types. These wage types are used for comparison withthe assessable earnings. The cumulated amount of these wage types isshown in the columns Period Income and YTD Income.
            You can configure your own user-defined wage type applications via theIMG step named above. Only wage types stored onRT with CNTR1 split, however, can be utilized.
            • Layout (optional)

            • Using this option, you can customize the list output of the program.The settings you make here can be stored as variants. You can thenspecify these variants when running the program later on.
              • Cross-year results

              • In the program output, retroactive changes for periods in years priorto the current year are separated into two categories - current yearresults and cross-year results. This parameter allows you to filter theoutput of the program accordingly. You can choose to display onlycurrent year results, only cross-year results, or both categories ofresults combined.

                To run the program, perform the following steps:

                • Specify the appropriate reporting period

                • Specify the appropriate personnel selection

                • If desired, specify any combination of year-to-date numbers, employee
                • details and proration between provinces
                  • If desired, select the appropriate wage type application for comparison
                  • and set a display variant
                    All pay periods whose pay date lies in the selected interval areprocessed. Changes resulting from retrocalculation into previousperiods are also considered. In the program output, these changes areshown separately, beneath the column entitled Cross-year result
                    . In this case, the column entitled Accounting year indicatesthe year of the FOR period. Moreover, the program output indicates thepayroll type to enable customers to distinguish regular payroll runsfrom special runs.
                    The output of the program is displayed in an ALV list format. Thisformat provides you with features similar to a spreadsheet, includingsubtotals, sorting criteria, and filtering. Furthermore, the list canbe exported into a number of formats, including spreadsheets, richtext, and HTML.
                    To complement the ease of the ALV list format, the program can also berun in batch mode. Like the program output, the spool list can also bedownloaded into a number of formats.

490763WCB: Rel. 4.6C: Adjustments processed incorrectly.
373780Q&A: Master Note for Workers' Compensation (WCB).