SAP Program RPCVWEN0 - Employer Insurance Statement NL (Electronic Integration)


Delivery of Digital Data to Health Insurance Company.
This report is used to create records for a certain period, containingthe registration and deregistration data of compulsorily insuredemployees, for digital delivery to the health insurance companiesconcerned.
The records are written as a dataset. The layout of the records meetsthe standard requirements of VEKTIS BV specified in the document:"Externe integratie Verzekeringsverklaring werkgever" (Externalintegration employer insurance statement). VEKTIS manage the messagestandards included in the report, which are accepted by healthinsurance companies.
The digital delivery supports four types of notifications:
Employer Insurance Statements [verzekeringsverklaring werkgever]
This is used for work relationships lasting more than 3 months.
Insurance Interruption Statement [OV-verklaring]
This is used for interrupted work relationships.
The Fixed-Term Contract Statement [KVC-verklaring]
This is used for temporary work relationships of less than 3 months.
The Fixed-Term Contract Statement for Standby Workers[KVC/O-verklaring]
This is used specifically for standby and stand-in workers.

The following data is delivered for each insurance company andregistration number, preceded by a header record and followed by afinal record:
Header record (for each health insurance company)
Compulsory length

  • General:

  • Record feature (1) J
    Code external integraton standard/type of message (4) J
    Version number standard message (1) J
    HI indicator (4) J
    Location number HI company (1) N
    • Employer:

    • IIB registration number (15) J
      Short name organization (35) N
      Street name (24) N
      House number home address employer (5) J
      House number supplement (4) N
      Postal code (6) J
      Name of city (24) J
      • General:

      • Delivery ID (12) J
        Shipping date (8) J
        Sequence number medium (2) J
        Reserve (104)
        Detail record (employee data)
        Compulsory length
        • General

        • Record feature (1) J
          Sequence number detail record (5) J
          Message type (1) J
          • Employee

          • Type of employment (1) J
            HI indicator (4) J
            Number of the insured (15) N
            SoFi Number (9) J
            Personnel/benefit number (15) N
            Date of birth (8) J
            Code sex (1) J
            Name (25) J
            Prefixes (10) N
            Initials (6) J
            Street name (24) J
            House number (5) J
            House number supplement (4) N
            Postal code (6) J
            Name of city (24) J
            Type of benefit (2) N
            Start date of employment (8) J
            End date of employment (8) J
            Reason for end of insurance statement (2) N
            Reserve (66)

            Explanatory notes for a number of fields on the insurance statement

            • Specify health insurance company

            • You can enter the name of the health insurance company and, ifrequired, the registration number to be printed on the employerinsurance statement in infotype Social Insurance (0059) in thefields Health Insurance Company and Reg. No..
              • Start of Insurance:

              • If value 1 (Statutory Contribution ER/EE), 2 (Statutory ContributionEE) or 3 (Statutory Contribution ER) is filled in infotype SocialInsurance (0059) in the field HI Indicator as a result of thehiring action, this means that the employee is covered by compulsoryhealth insurance and will therefore be listed in the digital delivery.
                • End of Insurance

                • In the following cases the digital delivery is created before the endof the insurance:
                  When the hiring action is executed and when value 1 (StatutoryContribution ER/EE), 2 (Statutory Contribution EE) or 3 (StatutoryContribution ER) is filled in infotype Social Insurance
                  (0059) in the field HI Indicator.
                  If the income threshold is exceeded, in which case the value in fieldHI Indicator in infotype Social Insurace (0059) changesto value 0 (=exempt) or 4 (=private) and vice versa if the incomethreshold is not exceeded.
                  If the health insurance company changes. In this case an End ofEmployer Insurance Statement is created for the old health insurancecompany and a Start of Employer Insurance Statement is created for thenew health insurance company.
                  • Special cases: Parental and long-term leave.

                  • You can enter a leave period in infotype External Agencies NL(0409). This period is printed on the Employer Insurance Statement. Infield Insurance/Capacity you can specify that the employee is onleave. The precondition is that there must be a validInsurance/Capacity.
                    • Infotype Relationships

                    • The legal person (LEPER) is specified in infotype OrganizationalAssignment (0001) and the social insurance group is specified ininfotype Social Insurance (0059).
                      The number of the health insurance company with which the employee isinsured can be found in view (T5N1O), which links the social insurancegroup to the social insurance (WW/WAO/ZFW). The corresponding addressof the health insurance company, linked to the legal person relevant tothe employee, is included in table Authority addresses (NL)(T5N9A). This address is included in the digital delivery.