SAP Program RPCUBSA0 - Employer taxes for the municipality of Vienna

The employer must pay taxes for the municipality of Vienna when thecompany is located there. This is valid in all cases unless anexception exists.
The following fall under the category of employment in Vienna:

  • The employee's work location is Vienna

  • The employee carries out activities in a fixed work location in Vienna

  • The employee's place of residence, but not the fixed work location,
  • (for example for sales representatives) is in Vienna
    For household help living with employers, the place of residence isalso their place of work. If the employer (head of the household) hasseveral residences, the one where he/she spends the majority of theyear is decisive.
    Taxes are deducted for each calendar week. With entry and with leaving,partial weeks are processed as full weeks.
    The report evaluates the payroll results within the evaluation period.It reads data on the work place and on absences. In addition, it usesthe master data to determine the degree (percentage) of a severechallenge.
    Using this report you can:
    • Create the monthly list of deductions

    • (as an individual statement for each employee and a general statisticaloverview of exemptions)
      • Create the annual declaration

      • (as an individual statement for each employee and a general statisticaloverview of exemptions)
        • Transfer the amounts to be deducted to financial accounting or cost
        • accounting

          Count of weeks liable for deduction
          The count of weeks liable for deduction is based on the 4 and 5 weekcontribution period of the SI calendar. Each week liable for deductionbegins on a Monday and ends on a Sunday. The first week liable fordeductions is the week containing the first of the month.


          • The payroll run for the payroll periods to be evaluated has been
          • carried out successfully.
            • The tax-liable organizational units of the company are defined in the
            • feature WIENU (Employer tax for the municipality of Vienna (A)).
              • The account number of the municipal fund is defined in the feature
              • WIENK. The municipal fund number is used as a match code searchterm (ID K) for the creditor when transferring to FI/CO. Therefore, acreditor account number must be assigned to each account number of themunicipal funds.
                • You have entered and saved your enterprise's addresses (company name,
                • personnel area/personnel subarea, street/house number, postal code andcity). For this, use the following path: Customizing for PersonnelAdministration -> Organizational Data
                  -> Organizational Assignment -> OrganizationalAssignment Supplement Austria -> Employer's Identification withAdministrations -> Employer Addresses.
                  • The tax amount is stored in the table Payroll Constants (T511K)
                  • as constant WRDAG under the personnel country grouping 03

                    Evaluation period
                    You cannot enter a selection period because only the monthly and annualperiods are relevant. Specify the evaluation period in theEvaluation type field:

                    • M (Month): Employer taxes must be on record with the municipal
                    • fund responsible for the employer's location (residence).
                      • J (Year): The tax declaration for the previous year must be on
                      • record with the municipal fund.

                        Absence types
                        Enter and save the absence types that are valid for exemptions in theAbsence types field. If you do not enter any absence types,enter the personnel action/reason for the action that also qualify forexemptions in the Personnel action and reason field.

                        Personnel action and personnel action reason
                        Enter the action and the reason that qualify for exemption.
                        Enter the action's two-digit code in the parameter's first two columns.Enter the two-digit code for the reason in the next two columns.
                        If you have maintained absence types for your employees, you can enterthem in the Absence types field. Actions and reasons aredisplayed.

                        Transfer to posting
                        If you want to post the amounts for employer taxes, activate theTransfer field. If this field is activated, a posting run iscreated and is displayed in the posting run overview under the categoryAP Posting Tax/SI Austria.
                        To display the posting run overview, choose the following path from themain menu: Human Resources -> Payroll -> Per payrollperiod -> Reporting -> Posting to Accounting ->Processing run. If you choose Help -> Extended help
                        from the overview, you receive more information on processing theposting runs.
                        If you use an external company codes, that is ones from other systems,create an entry for these company codes in the table Transfer toFI/CO: ExternalCompany Code 3.X (T52EX). For more informationon this procedure, see the IMG for Payroll Austria underReporting for Posting to Accounting -> Special Scenarios-> Posting for Previous Releases -> Set UpExport to R/2 System or R/3 System < 4.0. The system creates a TemSefile for the company code's posting records.
                        Enter the symbolic account for the creditor posting in the parameterSymbolic Account for Creditor Posting. The creditor's accountscan be determined dynamically. The account number with the municipalfund is used as a search term and transferred in the posting document.For more information on this procedure, see the IMG for PayrollAustria under the section Reporting for Posting to Accountingthe steps Define Symbolic Accounts andAssign Creditors.
                        Enter the symbolic account of the expense account in the parameterSymbolic Account for Finance Account.
                        You can also create simulation posting documents and reverse createdposting runs.

1066645Dienstgeberabgabe der Gemeinde Wien (neue Version)