SAP Program RPCTRUU7_CE - Tax Reporter Data Conversion for Concurrent Employment

This report converts U.S. Tax Reporter data for concurrent employment.

Concurrent employment master switch must be on.

The data conversion consists of two parts:
Convert Tax Reporter index table T5UX1.
This part fills the central person ID in the field T5UX1-PERSONID.
There are two options:
Initial run retrieves the central person ID only for those tableentries where field T5UX1-PERSONID is initial.
Rerun retrieves the central person ID for all table entries andoverwrites the existing field T5UX1-PERSONID.
If you run the report in Test mode, and you select checkboxShow details, the report displays a list of table T5UX1 entrieswhere T5UX1-PERNR is within the selection range Personnelassignment.
Convert Tax Reporter cluster PCL4 production data.
Only production data is converted. The report checks the Tax Reporterbookkeeping table to identify the production data. The followingoptions are available:
Backup PCL4
Production data is backed up from standard RELID U1 to the onespecified on selection screen, where RELID is area ID key in clusterPCL4. The selection RELID for backup contains the second digitof RELID. The first digit is hardcoded as ^.
For example, if selection RELID for backup is 1, the RELID forbackup will be ^1.
Retrieve backup
In this option, the existing production data in RELID U1 is deleted andthe date in backup RELID is copied to U1.
Delete backup
The backup data with RELID in selection RELID for backup isdeleted.
Convert PCL4
In a non-concurrent employment situation, Tax Reporter uses thepersonnel assignment number. In a concurrent employment situation, ituses the central person ID.
This conversion changes the old production data that was run undernon-concurrent employment, to be based on central person ID in order tomatch the concurrent employment environment.
The selection Year is for year on Date of form generationin transaction PU19. Depending on the size of the PCL4 cluster,the conversion program may take a while to run. Therefore, it isrecommended to do parallel runs for different years.
Under Test mode, if checkbox Show details is marked, thereport displays a list of converted data with the old and new PCL4 keySRTFD.