SAP Program RPCTRUU6 - Tax reporter: utility program for index table T5UX1

This utility report updates the US Tax Reporter index table T5UX1.

The report creates or deletes entries in the US tax reporter indextable T5UX1. The Create function reads data from existingpayroll results and/or the manual entry table T5UT1, and generatescorresponding T5UX1 entries.

The report uses standard PNP selection to select the employees. Inaddition, there are two radio-buttons, Create and Delete.You can create table entries from either:

  • Payroll results, or

  • Manual entry table.

  • You can also select the range of years over which you want to create ordelete table entries.

    The report updates T5UX1 entries. It also generates a log that displaysa list of employees whose table entries have changed.

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