SAP Program RPCTCSW0 - South African Tax Certificates - Exclude/Include Employees


With this program, you set the status of employees for tax certificategeneration for a given tax year. The possible settings are:

  • 'Exclude (TW)' - this status is set in

  • RPCTCIW0 (Initialization) onlyfor those employees for whom tax certificates where printed during the1999 tax year. The user can override this status by setting it to'Include'. This would then include employees in the normal taxgeneration run, though certificates were already printed with the 'old'IRP5 program (RPCIRPW0).
    • 'Exclude' - set this status for employees who should be excluded from
    • tax certificate generation for this tax year. This is relevant, forexample, for those employees for whom manual certificates where issuedduring the tax year.
      • 'Include' - set this status to force inclusion of employees who were
      • set to 'Exclude (TW)' in RPCTCIW0.
        The status specified is relevant for the
        tax certificate generation run.

        You can also access this program through
        tax certificate run administration.