SAP Program RPCSPKV0_DEL - Report for Deleting SPK results

Report for Deleting SPK Results (RPCSPKV0_DEL)

This report is used to delete records in the Statens Pensjonskasse (SPK)report that you have already generated using the SPKReport for Norway (RPCSPKV0).

This report reads the cluster table PCL1.



  • You must enter the period (Month and Year) for which you
  • want to delete records from the cluster table PCL1. The systemwill display all records for that period. You can select the recordsthat you want to delete.
    • You can enter the Batch No. if you want to delete the records run
    • in a particular batch for a period.
      • You can enter the Employee No. if you want to delete records of
      • an employee for a period.