SAP Program RPCSIBJ0 - HR-J: Santei Adjustment Selection Report

This report displays employees who need Santei-Adjustment.
By selecting an employee, you can go to the Santei/Geppen AdjustmentScreen where you can correct his or her Santei Geppen Evaluationresults.
One of the following statuses is always indicated for each employee:

  • "Adjustment required": No adjustment is made so far

  • "Adjusted": Adjustment is made but it is possible to make corrections

  • You can release the Santei Adjustment Result when statuses of everyemployee on the list are "Adjusted"

    This report is a part of Hokeisya Santei function. To execute SanteiAdjustment, Santei Geppen Evaluation for period 06 must be completedand the results should be stored in the Santei Geppen result database.

    RESET N1
    Execute the report to select Santei Adjustment candidates.
    For each Santei Adjustment candidate, perform Santei Adjustment.
    Release Santei Adjustment results when adjustment is completed. Whenthe result is released, followings become possible.
    lock the adjusted results and protect them from being changed again,since released employee will never be selected by this report
    proceed to the subsequent activities.
    (for example; creating legal reports, updating master data)