SAP Program RPCSCOG0 - Scottish Court Order Report

This report displays court orders details for an employee(s).
You can print a statement of the court orders for each individual givingthe relevant details required by the creditor (For example, the court.)on a single A4 paper.


The following details must exist for the relevant time frame:

  • The payroll results

  • Court orders details- in the Court Orders GB (70) infotype
  • Features

    Specify the following selection criterias:

    • Payroll Period - Specify the payroll period for which you want
    • to execute the report
      • Selection - Select an employee or a range of employees

      • Court order Selection :

      • Court Order Type-Specify the relevant subtype of the Court OrdersGB (70) infotype.
        If you do not enter a court order subtype, the system will processdetails for the following subtypes:
        SCA1 - Conjoined Arrestment (EA only) (Scotland)
        SCA2 - Conjoined Arrestment (CMA only)(Scotland)
        SCA3 - Conjoined Arrestment (EA part) (Scotland)
        SCA4 - Conjoined Arrestment (CMA part)(Scotland)
        SCEA - Customs and Excise EA (Scotland)
        SCMA - Current Maintenance Arrestment (Scotland)
        SDAS - Debt Arrangement Scheme (Scotland)
        SEA - Earning Arrestment (Scotland)
        Effective Date - Specify the relevant date range within whichthe court order's start date falls.
        • Statement of Court Order - Specify the SAP Script form according
        • to which you want to choose the print layout.


          The system displays the following details on the Scottish CourtOrders Report output screen:

          • Employee Name

          • Employee Payroll Number

          • Effective Date

          • Pay frequency i.e Monthly/weekly/biweekly/fourweekly

          • Pay date (from the relevant payroll results)

          • Court Order Type

          • Normal deduction amount

          • Arrestable earnings

          • Court order reference number

          • Issuing Authority
          • Activities
            From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources -->Payroll --> Europe --> Great Britain --> Subsequent Activities -->'Per payroll period --> Reporting --> Statement of Court Orders.
            ,,,,The Scottish Court Orders Report screen appears.
            Enter the relevant selection criterias
            Choose Program --> Execute.
            ,,System displays the relevant court order details on the ScottishCourt Orders Report output screen.