SAP Program CACSCP_RCP_PENDING_CASES - Selection of Commission Cases

Supporting program for retroactive case processing (RCP)

You can call this program from initial commission case administration inRCP or with transaction CACSRCPFRAME.

The ISF package for retroactive case processing (CACSCP) must have beenselected for the relevant commission application.

You can use the program to select any commission cases, display them,and start processing.
The following processing methods are available:

  • Register Initial Commission Cases: The selected commission cases
  • are registered as initial commission cases in RCP. You must specify alogical service tool for this purpose.
    • Create Worklists: The selected commission cases are registered as
    • initial commission cases in RCP, and the worklists are then createdimmediately.
      • Process Worklists: The selected commission cases are registered
      • as initial commission cases in RCP. Worklists are then created and areprocessed immediately.
        After the call from initial commission case administration, you can onlyadd the selected commission cases to the initial commission cases.

        You can use the following selection criteria to select commission cases:

        • Category and ID of business object

        • Start of version of business object

        • Category and ID of remunerating business transaction

        • You can also take into consideration all possible statuses that acommission case can have.

          Standard variants are not provided.

          If the Start Processing Immediately indicator is not set,then the commission cases found during the selection are displayed in anALV grid control.
          You may use the deletion button to delete from the hit list commissioncases that have been selected, but that are not to be registered.
          You can start processing of the remaining commission cases with thepreviously selected processing method. To do this, choose Execute
          If the Start Processing Immediately indicator is set, thenthe selected processing is started for the selected commission cases,without first displaying the processing method.