SAP Program RPCRIEI0 - Wage type certificate

Wage type statement
* General description
* Selection criteria and parameters
* Error messages and reason search
* Technical notes

General description
The wage type statement is used for a sort display of variousdistributions of wage types payroll data of the selected employees isbased upon. The evaluation displays the actual values (number andamount) of the wage types. To this purpose, in the wage type statementdata of RT or CRT result tables from the relevant payroll result can beused. In a similar way, the employee organizational assignment isevaluated from the payroll. Data comes from the work place (table WPBP).
In the wage type statement, the following evaluations are available:
- Individual evaluation for each C.I.D. and/or name
- Amount evaluation without C.I.D. and name display
Evaluation types are described here below in the section related to theEvaluation type parameter.
For the evaluation sort employee organizational assignments andemployee's name are available (see: "Sort sequence" pushbutton).
The evaluation is limited to one country. C.I.Ds assigned to anothercountry are run in the error log.

Selection criteria and parameters
Parameters are composed by database and special parameters to check thewage type statement. All database parameters are available except forthe "Sort: field names" one. In the wage type statement, this parameteris replaced by the "Sort sequence" pushbutton. In this position the useof database parameters is considered as "unknown".

'Multidate selection' parameter
If this parameter is evaluated, the value of parameters concerning theprocessing period in the "Payroll per." box is not taken intoconsideration during the processing period.

"Company" parameter
In this field a company can be entered according to the customizing ofthe T5IT1P table.

'Wage type to evaluate' parameter
Enter all the wage types for which the evaluation should be carried outin this field.
If no wage type is entered, they are all selected. Please note that onlywage types mentioned in the RT and/or CRT table can be selected.

"INPS code" parameter
In this field an INPS code according to the customizing of the T5ITNB
table can be entered. If an INPS code is entered, an evaluation for theemployees whose INPS code corresponds to the selected one is carriedout.

'Region code DM10' parameter
In this field a region code according to the customizing of the T5ITNStable can be entered. If a region code is entered, an evaluation for theemployees whose region code corresponds to the selected one is carriedout.

"Evaluation Class Number" - "Grouping code" parameter
The customizing of T5ITM0 and T5ITM1 tables allows defining somegrouping codes to which n values (n = from 1 to 20) of evaluationclasses correspond.
A new evaluation class (for example the 11 evaluation class) should bedefined in table T5ITD3 and the values to be assigned to this evaluationclass in table T52D4, these values will be specified in the wage typetable T512w.
Therefore, if a grouping code and an evaluation class are specified, anevaluation for the wage types having a value for the selected evaluationclass among the ones specified in the grouping code can be selected.
Example: let's suppose that the grouping code 01 has the followingvalues in the columns 00, 01, 02 of the T5ITM1 table and supposing thatalso that the evaluation class 11 is selected; this means that only wagetypes whose value in the evaluation class is 00, 01, 02 are evaluated.

"Liability type" - 'Contribution code' parameter
If a liability type and/or a contribution code are specified, anevaluation for employees whose contribution code and liability typespecified in the info-type 0154 corresponds with the selected one iscarried out.

"Only male employees" - "Only female employees" - parameter "Male andfemale employees"
The three parameters are reciprocally exclusive; if "Only maleemployees" (or respectively "Only female employees") is selected, anevaluation for male employees (or, respectively for female employees) iscarrided out. If "male and female employees" is selected, a non-genderbased employee evaluation is carried out.

"Print selections" parameter
If this parameter is selected, selections chosen by the user will beprinted.

"Count CID per wage-type" parameter (Release 4.5b)
If this parameter is selected, the number of employees per evaluatedwage type can be obtained.

"RT reading from RI cluster" parameter (Release 4.5b)
If this parameter is specified, wage types in the Result table of the RIcluster are evaluated.

"RT reading from XI cluster" parameter (Release 4.5b)
If this parameter is specified, wage types in the Result table of XIcluster (extra monthly pay) are evaluated.

"RT(RI) - RT(XI)" parameter (Release 4.5b)
If this parameter is specified, the difference between the read valuesin the result table of the RI cluster and the ones read in the resulttable of the XI cluster for each evaluated wage type is calculated.

"New page for each wage type" parameter
If this parameter is selected, a page break for each new wage type iscarried out in the individual evaluation. In an amount evaluation, thisparameter has no effect.

"Wage type to be evaluated" parameter
Enter all the wage types for which the evaluation should be carried outin this field.
If no wage type is mentioned, they are all selected. Only wage typesspecified in the RT and/or CRT tables can be selected.

"Evaluation type" parameter.
Two evaluation types are allowed:
- Individual evaluation
- Amount evaluation
In the individual evaluation, for each wage type the number and theamount according to the employee are printed. In the amount evaluationonly the selected wage types for all the selected C.I.Ds are printed.Therefore, the amount evaluation is a summarized print of the individualevaluation without the C.I.D.and the names print....
In the basic period field a payroll period can be specified as acomparison period for the above-mentioned evaluation period. In theoutput list the relevant comparison results are printed in addition tothe absolute and relative differences. It should be considered that forthis mode a list width of 132 characters is required, therefore acorresponding editing should be selected during the printout. The use ofthe vertical scroll bar could be required on small-sized monitors.
These four selection options allow restricting the printout to thevariance values specified, for example only to the wage types whoseamount is different for a 5% percentage.
The amounts represent the total amounts also through the wage types thatare not displayed.
For the organizational classification, totals and subtotals aredisplayed.
Comparison values are not available in the use of the module neither inthe CRT evaluation, nor in the Download file.
The 'Read cumulated results'parameter determines, marking them, that
all cumulated annual values of the CRT table are read instead of theperiod values of the RT tables.

"Sort sequence" pushbutton
This parameter determines the output sort sequence which can be checkedwith the following sort criteria:
- Company
- Personnel area (former plant)
- Personnel subarea (former place of work)
- Cost center
- Employee status (former employee status)
- Person subgroup (former person subgroup)
- Organizational unit
The values for sort criteria take data from the work center of thepayroll results (WPBP table).
In the sort and evaluation based upon cost centers, last data of thework place (WPBP table) is relevant for the assignment of an employee'swage types. Costing evaluations are not carried out, i.e. the reportdoes not take into consideration cost distribution and cost assignment.Each time, it only takes into consideration last master cost center ofthe employee falling within the evaluation period.

"Sort names" parameter
In the independent evaluation the names of the employees sorted inascendant order according to the C.I.Ds are printed. If this parameteris marked, the sorted printout is carried out according to surnames.

"Creation of totals" parameter
This parameter allows restricting the standard printout after havingchanged sort criteria. The following options are available:
- Total for each classification group
- Total after wage type change
- Total after C.I.D. change
Mark the relevant function to activate it.

"Module" parameter
If the ID of an existing module is entered, according to the sortcriteria, wage types defined in the relevant module are displayed. Wagetypes can be displayed in a sequence which is different from the totallist.
The following requirements should be met:
- the ID of an existing module should be entered
- values from the CRT table cannot be printed into the module

"PC-Download file name" parameter
This parameter allows using the PC-download, if a valid PC targetdirectory and a valid file name without extension are specified. Thestandard parameter is set on BLANK so that no download is started.

Error messages and reason search

Note: double or wrong search criteria
Two sort criteria were assigned the same priority and/or a non-definedsort criterion was entered. Change the value in the Sort sequenceparameter.

Note: the "Sort: field names" parameter is not supported
An attempt to use the "Sort: field names" database parameter was done.The wage type statement replaces this parameter with the "Sort sequence"parameter. Use this one.

Note: period modifiers are different
In the wage type statement, evaluations for various countries cannot becarried out. For each evaluation, only the wage type classes of a
country should be selected.

Technical notes

Programs and includes
The wage type statement requires the following programs and/or includes:
- RPCLGA00 remuneration statement start, selection screen
- RPCLGA10 reading routines
- RPCLGA20 output routines
- RPCLGA30 main routines
- RPCLGAx0 reading program for PCL2 database (payroll cluster)
The reading program for the PCL2 database is different for each country.For the USA the RPCLGAU0 program is used, for Germany the RPCLGAD0program, etc.
The wage type statement writes the payroll results that were read (RTand/or CRT tables and WPBP table) in a sequential data set. This isstored as an excerpts. The memory requirement derives from the followingformula:
Memory in bytes = number of C.I.D. *
number of wage types *
number of payroll results read *
record length (about 100 bytes).
Example: the wage type statement should be started for 3,000
employees in a period. For each
employee about 500 wage types are displayed. For the
excerpts the result is a memory of about 150 MBytes
(3000 * 500 * 1 * 100).
In case of memory space problems, enhance the areas for the roll areawithin the profile.