SAP Program RPCPL6U0 - Display Garnishment Answer Letters

This report is to create a garnishment answer letter for an individualemployee.
The following information is required from the selection screen:
Personnel number of the employee
The internal number of garnishment document
The form to be used
A window 'Select payroll results for answer letter' will appear, selectthe pay period(s) that the answer letter should be created for.
In executing the report, the system checks to see how many payperiod(s) are selected.

  • If only one period is selected, the system uses the form defined in
  • T5UGI for 'Answerletter'.
    • If more than one period is selected, the system uses the form defined
    • in T5UGI for 'Answerletter (combination of several payroll periods)'.
      Therefore, it is usually not neccessary to enter the form in theselection screen. If the parameter 'Form' is not filled and there isno assignment in T5UGI, a popup window will appear asking for the form.
      The letter will be displayed.
      Some further processing options:
      • Printing out the letter

      • Making changes to the letter (Edit -> Edit Letter)

      • The lines of the letter should not be longer than 72 characters.
        • Selecting another form to create a different letter

        • (Letter -> Other Form)
          Note: This report can be triggered from the Garnishment DocumentInfotype via the menu path 'Environment -> Print Answer Letter' or bypushing the 'Answerletter' button.

800571GRN: Error in Garnishment Answer Letter
767781LET: Duplicate Entries on Garnishment Answer Letters
597524GRN: Garnishment forms not being printed correctly.