SAP Program RPCPENU0 - Pensionable Earnings and Hours Report

Pensionable Earnings and Hours Report

This report evaluates employees' payroll results to determine theapplicable pensionable earnings and hours, and updates the databaseaccordingly.

You have created and configured a gross compensation model forpensionable earnings and a gross compensation model for pensionablehours in the Payroll USA Implementation Guide (IMG) by means of thefollowing two steps:

  • Benefits Integration

  • -> Compensation Models for Savings/Pension Plans
    ,,-> Create gross compensation model
    ,,-> Configure gross compensation model

    In addition to employees' pensionable earnings and hours, the reportalso calculates and stores the applicable

    • Social Security wages

    • Social Security taxes

    • employee pre-tax contribution

    • employee post-tax contribution

    • employer contribution

    • You can run the report in test mode or in production mode. If you runit in production mode, the results are written to the Pensionableearnings and hours table (T7USBENPE).
      When you run the report, each month within the run is saved as anindividual record on the database with its own run ID. You can alsospecify a text that will be stored with the run ID to make the recordeasier to find in the future. This text is entered in the Text onearnings and hours run field.
      If you want to run the report again for the same employee group andperiod, select This is a re-run. This creates a new record inthe database and flags the old record as obsolete.
      By default, the report output is broken down by employee. You can,however, display the output summarized by benefit area and check date.The data is still written to the database for each employee, but theoutput is easier to read when you run the report for a large employeegroup. To this end, select Summarized display.

      Specify the employee range for which you would like to run the report.
      Specify the evaluation period and benefit area.
      The report evaluates all savings plans in the benefit areaspecified.
      Specify how you are running the report and how you want to display theoutput.
      If desired, enter a descriptive text for the run.
      Choose Execute.