SAP Program RPCPCNA0 - Absence types occurring in personal calendar (Austria)

This report evaluates the occurrence of two-digit absence symbols inthe employee's personal (absence) calendar. The two-digit absencesymbols stand for the individual absence types relevant for continuedremuneration such as first illness, secondary illness, partialremuneration, a quarter of wages, and so on.
The report gathers data from the country-specific part of the calendarso that a statement can be made regarding the end of continuedremuneration. Therefore, use the report to answer the followingquestions:
When is the employee no longer entitled to continued remuneration fromthe employe (date)? When is the social insurance agency required to paythe continued remuneration (sick pay)?
To answer other company-internal questions, you can run this report tosearch through several employees' personal calendars for variousabsence symbols simultaneously.
The evaluation period for the report is unrestricted. It can coverseveral years.

  • You have made the required settings in Customizing for Payroll
  • Austria in the section Entitlement toContinued Remuneration.
    • You have already generated the employee's personal calendar using the
    • report RPTGENA0 (Generation of Personal Calendar(Austria)).

      The list is sorted in ascending order according to the numbers of thesocial insurance agencies. The following data is printed in a columnfor each social insurance institution.

      • Personnel number

      • Employee's last name, first name, and title

      • Occurrence of the absence types (Date specification)

      • Characteristics of the absence type

      • Remarks

      • If an employee changes over to another SI institution, the employee isstill placed under the SI institution that provided his coverage at thebeginning of his or her absence. A split according to par.126 (1)of theGeneral Social Insurance Law [ASVG] does not occur.
        If an employee's personal calendar has not been generated for a certainperiod, the report indicates this.
        In addition to the employee-related data, the report prints thefollowing summary for the SI institution:
        The number of employees by whom a certain absence type occurred
        The absolute frequency of this absence type for the employees mentionedin the line above.
        Remark: If the absence type does not change during a sequence of days,the report evaluates this as a one-time occurrence of the absence type.
        The number of employers by whom no definitive statement can be madebased on the date available. Possible reasons:
        The employee's personal calendar was not generated.
        The employee's personal calendar does not exist.
        The employees listed under the first item are not listed here.
        The absolute frequency of verifications (how often)
        Total from item 1 and item 3.
        Total from item 2 and item 4.