SAP Program RPCNRSR0_01 - Singapore National Reserve Service Report for MINDEF

This report enables you to obtain information on the National ReservistService (NRS) claim amount for your employees.


This report computes the NRS claim amount for your employees by takingan average of the allowances that the employee received over a fixedperiod of months, before the NS month. The allowances can be of twotypes - Fixed and Variable.
You can configure the minimum and the maximum periods that the reportmust check for, through the following table views:

  • Make-Up Pay Claims By Reservist (V_5R2B_V)

  • Assign. fixed allowance to WT payable by MINDEF (V_5R2B_V)

  • Note
    NS month is the month in which the employee went on NRS.
    For more information on configurations for the Make-Up Pay Claims byReservist report (RPCNRSR0_01), refer to the IMG under PayrollSingapore -> National Reservist -> NRS Processing inProgram RPCNRSR0_01.
    While calculating the average amount for the variable allowances, thereport checks for the following:
    • Existence of records, for a particular variable allowance, across the
    • maximum period before the NS month. The records must exist for at leastthe minimum period.
      For example, the NS month is August, the maximum period is six months,and the minimum period is four months. In this case the report checksfor the records of a variable allowance from February to July. Therecords must be available for atleast four months within this period.
      • Continuity - for a given variable allowance, the report checks whether
      • the records exist continuously across the minimum period.
        For example, the NS month is August, the maximum period is six months,and the minimum period is four months.
        In this case the report checks for the records of a variable allowancefrom February to July. The records must exist continously for atleastfour months in the given period. The average amount calculated is asfollows:
        Average amount = Total amount divided by the number of months in whichthe allowance exists continuously (four months)
        • Existence of the variable allowance record in the month prior to the NS
        • month. If the record is not available, the report checks for the same inthe NS month. If the records do not exist for a given variableallowance, the report checks for a valid reason.
          For example, the NS month is August, and the variable allowance is notavailable in July. If there is
          A valid reason, the report will calculate the average amount as:
          Average amount = Total amount divided by the number of months in whichthe variable allowance exits (five months)
          No valid reason, the report will calculate the average amount as:
          Average amount = Total amount divided by the total number of months inthe maximum period (six months)
          When a valid Absence Type exists for the non availability of avariable allowance in a given period, the report checks one more clause.You must configure the valid Absence Type through theConfiguration forReason (SG-NRS) Feature (RCNRS).
          The report computes the percentage of days for which the AbsenceType exists and compares the computed value with the value that youhave defined in the table view Payroll Constants (V_T511K). Ifthe computed value is greater than the value in the configured in thetable, the report accepts the Absence Type as a valid reason forfurther computations.
          For example, a valid Absence Type exists for the nonavailability of a variable allowance in October. The total number ofworking days in October is twenty two, and the number of Absence days isfive. The system will compute the percentage of Absence days in Octoberas:
          Percentage of (Number of Absence days in October divided byTotal number of working days in October). In this case the valuewill be 22.7%
          The report will compare the computed value (22.7%) with the percentageconfigured in the Payroll Constants table (V_T511K). If the valueis greater than that in the table, the report will accept theAbsence Type as a valid reason for further NS claim amountcalculations.
          For more information on configuring the constant refer to the IMG underPayroll Singapore -> National Reservist -> NRSProcessing in Program RPCNRS0_01 ->Maintain constant for NRS Report.
          Special Cases
          Using this report, you also obtain information on certain special casesof NRS claim amount calculation. The special cases are:
          • New hire - the report checks for the variable allowances from the month
          • in which the employee joined your organization. There is no check forminimum period or continuity. The report however, checks for theavailability of the variable allowance, in the months underconsideration. If a variable allowance is not available for somemonth(s), the report checks for a valid reason in the table viewReason for NRS (V_T5R2D).
            If there is a valid reason, the report calculates the average amountusing the formula:
            Average amount = Total amount divided by the number of months in whichthe allowance was paid (excluding the month in which the allowance wasnot available)
            If there is no valid reason, the report calculates the average amountusing the formula:
            Average amount = Total amount divided by the total number of months inthe maximum period (including the month in which the allowance was notavailable)
            • New variable allowance - a new variable allowance is an allowance that
            • the employee receives for the first time. There is no check for minimumperiod or continuity. If you select the New Variable Allowanceindicator in the table view Reason for NRS (V_T5R2D), the reportwill consider the allowance as a new variable allowance.
              If a variable allowance is not available for some month(s), the reportchecks for a valid reason in the table view Reason for NRS(V_T5R2D). The average amount calculation for a new variable allowanceis the same as the calculations for a new hire.


              • Select the Schema and the NRS-Absence subtype that the
              • report must use while calculating NS claim amount.
                • Select the Available payroll data indicator if you want the
                • report to make use of the currently available payroll data. Else, thereport will also simulate payroll data for the month in which thepayroll data is not available.
                  For example, the payroll data is available from February to June, andthe NS month is August. The payroll data is not available for July. Ifyou select the Available payroll data indicator, the report willcalculate the average amount of a variable allowance by taking intoconsideration only the currently available months. If you do not selectthis indicator, the report calculates the average amount by taking intoconsideration the simulated payroll data for July.

                  The program generates the following:

                  • An XML file for each Employer reference number. The generated XML file
                  • contains NRS information in the format specified by the MINDEF.
                    • Singapore National Reserve Service Report for MINDEF report. This
                    • report has two sections:
                      Part I: Personal Data
                      This section provides employee information such as the EmployeeNumber, Name, Address, NRIC number, and theperiods during the employee was on Reserve Service.
                      Part II: Payment
                      This section provides information on the fixed and variable allowancespaid to an employee over the maximum period specified for average amountcalculations. The report first lists all the fixed allowances, and thenthe variable allowances.
                      The report also displays information such as:
                      Average amount for every allowance
                      Computed basic salary, and the
                      Fixed and variable allowances of the NS period. The report also displaysthe
                      Total Computed Amount for the NS Claim amount.

                      Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                      Select the Schema and the NRS-Absence subtype that thereport must use while calculating NS claim amount.
                      Select the Available payroll data indicator if you want thereport to make use of the currently available payroll data.
                      Select Program -> Execute to generate the report.
                      Choose Statistics on Singapore National Reserve ServiceReport for MINDEF screen.
                      The XML Validation Log screen appears. This screen displayswhether or not, the generated XML file is valid against thecorresponding XML schema provided by the MINDEF, Singapore. In case ofany errors, the report generates an error log file.

1515775NRS : Quality improvements