SAP Program RPCNIRG0 - NI Rates: Limits and Percentages

National Insurance Rates: Limits and Percentages

This report displays the limits and percentage rates for one NIcategory code for a particular pay frequency for the current fiscalyear.
It contains the upper and lower NIable pay/earnings limits foremployees and employers, and the respective NI contribution and rebatepercentage rates.

The report compiles data from the NIC Limits table (T5G_NICLIM), andthe NI Percentage table (T5G_NICPCT).


You can call up the report as follows:
Call up the National Insurance GB infotype (0069) for anemployee.
Use the pushbutton (NI Rates) to display the report.
Using field help, select the NI category and payroll frequency.
Choose Execute.

In addition to the standard display variants, you can add a contractedout flag. This is only relevant for NI category C.
Category code C is the only category code that can be eithercontracted-out or not-contracted-out. Therefore, this is the onlycategory code for which two sets of percentage rates are issued.
To display the contracted out flag column:
Enter NI category C.
Press Enter prior to choosing Execute.
Select the Category C Contracted out Flag check box.