SAP Programs

Program Text
RPCLSTLZ Display DB PCL2 Cluster LZ - Pay Slip L16 (A)
RPCLSTNS Display Cluster NS - Heavy Work Night Shifts Austria
RPCLSTOD Display Directory for Postponed Payments (Cluster OD)
RPCLSTPC Display Cluster PC: Personal Calendar and COVER Table
RPCLSTPS Display Generated Schemas (Cluster PS)
RPCLSTR0 Display the list of records to be deleted from IR8A cluster
RPCLSTR2 Display the list of last records from IR8A cluster.
RPCLSTRA Display of Cluster RA (Payroll Results for Austria).
RPCLSTRB Display payroll results (Cluster RB)
RPCLSTRC Display Cluster RC (Payroll Results for Switzerland)
RPCLSTRD Display Cluster RD (Payroll Results for Germany)
RPCLSTRE Display Cluster RE (payroll results)
RPCLSTRF HR F : Display Payroll Results - Cluster RF
RPCLSTRG Display Cluster RG (Payroll Results for Great Britain)
RPCLSTRI Results of payroll accounting - Cluster RI - Italy only
RPCLSTRJ Display Cluster RJ (Payroll Results, Japan)
RPCLSTRK Display Cluster RK (Payroll Results Canada)
RPCLSTRL Display Payroll Results (Cluster RL) - Malaysia
RPCLSTRM Display Payroll Results - Denmark (Cluster RM)
RPCLSTRN Output Payroll Results - Cluster RN (NL)
RPCLSTRP HR-PT: Payroll Results for Cluster RP
RPCLSTRQ Payroll Cluster RQ
RPCLSTRR Display Payroll Results for Singapore (Cluster RR)
RPCLSTRS Display Cluster RS (Payroll Results for Sweden)
RPCLSTRU Display Cluster RU (USA Payroll Results)
RPCLSTRV Printout of payroll results
RPCLSTRW Display cluster RW (Payroll Results for South Africa)
RPCLSTRX Payroll Results for Cluster RX
RPCLSTTA Overview of Imported Credit Card Settlement Runs
RPCLSTTC Overview of Existing Credit Card Documents (Document Buffer)
RPCLSTTE Trip Details
RPCLSTWW List cluster SI quarterly totals
RPCLSTWX List Cluster SI Declaration
RPCLSTWY List Belcotax Results
RPCLSTYJ Display Cluster YJ (Year-End Adjustment)
RPCLSTZL Display Cluster ZL of DB PCL2
RPCLSTZS Display Report for Cluster ZS (Estimate Cont. Months for Spec. Bonus)
RPCLST_CALL Display payroll results
RPCLTREO Profit Center Accounting: Delete Long Texts
RPCLWBD0 Display BAV contributions/income from payroll accounting
RPCLWBNA Wage Tax - White Tables for Special Payments
RPCLWBNB Wage Tax - White Tables for Special Payments
RPCLWBNC Wage Tax - White Tables for Special Payments
RPCLWBND Wage Tax - White Tables for Special Payments
RPCLWPNA Wage Tax - White Tables (NL)
RPCLWPNB Wage Tax - White Tables (NL)
RPCLWPNC Wage Tax - White Tables (NL)
RPCLWPND Wage Tax - White Tables (NL)
RPCMACM0 Reporting on PBS Accumulators
RPCMADW0 Medical Aid Deduction Schedule Summary (South Africa)
RPCMAGG0 HR-GB: Magnetic media driver
RPCMBVN0 Social Insurance Notification (GAK)
RPCMCWM0 Matchcode W handling (only form routines) for Danish payroll workflow
RPCMFPI0 Migration Tool - Pension Funds 2007
RPCMIBR0 CPF Survey On Occupational Wages (Singapore)
RPCMLI00 Cash breakdown list
RPCMLI09 Cash breakdown list
RPCMLIA0 Cash Breakdown List (List Cluster RA)
RPCMLIC0 Cash Breakdown List (Read Cluster RC)
RPCMLID0 Cash Breakdown List (Read Cluster RD) (D)
RPCMLIE0 Currency list (RE cluster reading) Spain
RPCMLIF0 Cash Breakdown List (Read Cluster RF)
RPCMLIG0 Cash Breakdown List (read cluster RG)
RPCMLII0 Currency list (reads cluster RI)
RPCMLIL9 Cash Breakdown List (Read RL Cluster)
RPCMLIM0 Cash Breakdown List (Read Cluster RM)
RPCMLIP9 HR-PT: Cash Breakdown List (Read RP Cluster)
RPCMLIQ0 Cash breakdown (Australia version)
RPCMLIR0 Cash breakdown (Singapore version)
RPCMLIW0 Coinage Analysis
RPCMLIX0 Cash Breakdown List (Read RX Cluster)
RPCMODI0 Report for parameter forms
RPCMPYG0 Statutory Maternity Pay Record Sheet
RPCMSTM0 Master data DK
RPCNBLU0 File Layout - NBT3
RPCNBLUA Include For NBT Data transfers
RPCNETD0 Net calculation of monthly salary
RPCNETN0 Gross/Net Calculation Simulation (NL)
RPCNGWA0PBSRA Österreich öffentlicher Dienst Nebengebührenwerte
RPCNIRG0 NI Rates: Limits and Percentages
RPCNITG0 HR-GB: NI Contributions
RPCNORI0 Period standardization ex-O1/M
RPCNRPJ0 Payment records for non-resident (Japan)
RPCNRSCL Employer claim report - National Service
RPCNRSR0 Singapore National Reserve Service Report for MINDEF
RPCNRSR0_01 Singapore National Reserve Service Report for MINDEF
RPCNRSR1 Externe program for RPCNRSR0, Print NRS Form (1995)
RPCNYLM0 Wage type statement for new year values list Denmark
RPCO1MI0 Program: parameters for form 01/M (not used any more)
RPCOGBNA Compensatory Allowance [OT] - Green Table Special Payments [BB] (NL)
RPCOGPNA Compensatory Allowance [OT] - Green Tables
RPCOIDW0 Compensation for occupational injuries and diseases
RPCOIFU0 Outsourcing Tax Services: Display of table 491 from IF cluster
RPCOIFU0_CYR_ADJ OT Tax Services: Display Cross Year Adjustments
RPCOIFU6 Delete Interface Results forward using Payroll Area and Pay Period
RPCOINE0 Printing of INEM contracts
Lines 37601 to 37700 of 57103 entries
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