Program | Text |
RPCLGMM4 | Wage types received from table T5M58 in PBS |
RPCLGMM5 | Difference display for wage types from T5M58 (after import) |
RPCLGMM7 | Consistency check for interface wage types |
RPCLGMM8 | Display wage types in table T5M58 received from PBS |
RPCLGMM9 | Wage type statement for year-end report (Denmark) |
RPCLGPNA | Wage Tax - Green Tables |
RPCLGPNB | Wage Tax - Green Tables |
RPCLGPNC | Wage Tax - Green Tables |
RPCLGV00 | Wage Type Distribution |
RPCLGV09 | Wage Type Distribution |
RPCLGVW0 | Wage Type Statement By Payroll Periods, W Version (S.Africa) |
RPCLIAJ0 | List of liable amount for fixed labor insurance fee (Japan) |
RPCLIAJ1 | Wage Amount List for Fixed Labor Insurance Premium |
RPCLIMIT | Convert T512W Entries of Limits Wage Types From PRCL 77 to 41 |
RPCLJNA0 | Payroll journal (Austria) |
RPCLJNB0 | Payroll journal |
RPCLJNB9 | Payroll Journal --- Belgium |
RPCLJNC0 | Payroll Journal (Switzerland) |
RPCLJND0 | Payroll journal |
RPCLJNE0 | Payroll journal |
RPCLJNE9 | Payroll journal Spain |
RPCLJNF0 | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNF9 | Payroll Log --- France |
RPCLJNG0 | Payroll Journal (GB) |
RPCLJNG9 | Payroll Journal --- Great Britain |
RPCLJNI0 | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNJ0 | Payroll Journal JAPAN |
RPCLJNK0 | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNK0_CALL_OUTSOURCING | Payroll Journal GRT/RT Selection - Canada |
RPCLJNK0_OUTSOURCING | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNL0 | Payroll Journal - Malaysia |
RPCLJNM0 | Payroll journal for Denmark |
RPCLJNN0 | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNN0_CALL_OUTSOURCING | Payroll Journal GRT/RT Selection - NL |
RPCLJNN0_OUTSOURCING | Payroll Journal --- Netherlands |
RPCLJNP0 | HR-PT: Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNQ0 | Payroll Journal (AU) |
RPCLJNR0 | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNU0 | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNU0_CALL_OUTSOURCING | Payroll Journal GRT/RT Selection - US |
RPCLJNU0_OUTSOURCING | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNW0 | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNX0 | Payroll Journal --- International |
RPCLJNX0_CALL_OUTSOURCING | Payroll Journal GRT/RT Selection - International |
RPCLJNX0_OLD | Payroll Journal |
RPCLJNX0_OUTSOURCING | Payroll Journal --- International |
RPCLKONA | Taxed Childcare Table Overview |
RPCLLMM0 | List of retroactive differences that occur when employer is changed |
RPCLLMM4 | List of retroactive differences that occur when employer is changed |
RPCLLON0 | Country-Specific Report for RPCLSTLO |
RPCLLOR0 | HR-SG: Country-Specific Report for RPCLSTLO |
RPCLMSR0 | Labour Survey Query |
RPCLMSU0 | Claims Processing |
RPCLOF00 | Account statement for company loans |
RPCLOG00 | Overview of Company Loans |
RPCLOGJ0 | Overview of Company Loans(Japan) |
RPCLOH00 | Calculate Present Value for Company Loans |
RPCLOH00_OV | Barwertermittlung Arbeitergeberdarlehen |
RPCLOR00 | Repayment Plan |
RPCLOW00 | Report RPCLOW00 |
RPCLPCA0 | Display DB PCL1 Cluster PC - Personal Absence Calendar (A) |
RPCLPCB0 | Display personal calendar (illness and accidents) |
RPCLPCE0 | Display personnel calendar - cluster PC, PCL1 |
RPCLPCF0 | Display Cluster PCL1 - Personal Calendar (F) |
RPCLPCG0 | Personal Absence Calendar for SSP/SMP/SAP/SPP |
RPCLPCI0 | Personal Calendar Print - PC cluster of PCL1 (I) |
RPCLPCS0 | HR-S: Display Cluster PCL1 - Personal Calendar - Sweden (S) |
RPCLPRQ0 | Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program |
RPCLPRQ2_PBS | Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program (AU-PS) |
RPCLPVQ0 | Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program |
RPCLPVQ1 | Leave Liability Projection Accrual Program |
RPCLSTAE | Display Contents of Garnishment Results: Cluster AE |
RPCLSTAF | Display Contents of Garnishment Directory Cluster AF |
RPCLSTB1 | Display Cluster B1 of DB PCL1 |
RPCLSTB2 | Display Time Evaluation Results (Cluster B2) |
RPCLSTBV | Display PCL2 Cluster BV (Switzerland) |
RPCLSTCU | Display Directory for Payroll Results ( Cluster CU ) |
RPCLSTCW | List cluster directory SI quarterly totals |
RPCLSTCX | List cluster directory SI declaration |
RPCLSTCY | List Belcotax cluster directory |
RPCLSTDG | Display PCL2 Cluster DG (Germany) |
RPCLSTDK | Display PCL2 Cluster Difference Indicator Germany |
RPCLSTDP | Display Contents of Garnishment Results for DP Cluster |
RPCLSTDQ | Display Contents of Garnishment Directory: Cluster DQ |
RPCLSTDR | Anzeige der Inhalte der Pfändungsergebnisse Cluster DR |
RPCLSTDS | Anzeige der Inhalte des Pfändungsdirectorys Cluster DS |
RPCLSTDU | Display PCL2 Cluster DU (Germany) |
RPCLSTEF | Display DB PCL2 Cluster EF - Reimbursement Applications (A) |
RPCLSTG1 | Display Database PCL1, Cluster G1 |
RPCLSTGJ | Display Cluster GJ (Reporting Results for Santei/Geppen) |
RPCLSTIF | Display Interface Results |
RPCLSTIF_CONV_CUST | Template for a customer-defined conversion of cluster IF |
RPCLSTIF_CONV_SAVE | PU12: Automatic Conversion - saving the generated conversion if error |
RPCLSTIF_CONV_T532K | PU12 Conversion of Interface Results - Copy Versions of T532K / T532L |
RPCLSTIF_CONV_TEMPL2 | Template for Automatic Conversion |
RPCLSTIF_WRITE_T532F | Write the highest export version into table T532F |
RPCLSTKN | Display DB PCL1 Cluster KN - First Sicknesses (A) |
RPCLSTL1 | Display Database PCL1, Cluster L1 |
RPCLSTLO | Printout of Loan Results |