SAP Program RPCLGA00 - Wage Type Statement

General description
The wage type statement is used for displaying lists of wage typedistributions based on the payroll data for the persons selected. Theevaluation indicates the (number and amount) values currently assignedto the wage types. The data from results tables RT or CRT from therelevant payroll results can be used for the wage type statement. Theemployee's organizational assignment is also evaluated using the payrollresults. The system uses the work center data (table WPBP) for thispurpose.
The wage type statement can be evaluated in the following two ways:

  • Individual evaluation per personnel number or name

  • Total evaluation without displaying personnel numbers and names

  • For a description of the evaluation types, please refer to the notes onthe "Evaluation type" parameter below.
    The evaluation can be sorted by organizational assignment or employeename (see "Sort sequence" pushbutton).
    The evaluation is limited to one country. Personnel numbers assigned toa different country are listed afterwards in the error log.

    Selection criteria and parameters
    The parameters comprise those for the database and the specificparameters for controlling the wage type statement. You may use alldatabase parameters except for "Sort: Field names". This parameter isreplaced in the wage type statement by the "Sort sequence" push button.
    You use the following parameters to determine how the wage typestatement should look:

    • Wage type to be evaluated

    • In this field, enter all wage types for which you want to carry out anevaluation. If you do not specify a wage type, the system selects themall. Please note that it is only possible to select wage types which arelisted in tables RT or CRT.
      • New page per wage type

      • If you activate this parameter, a page break is inserted for each newwage type included in an individual report. This paramter is not used ifa totals report is carried out.
        • Evaluation type

        • There are two types of evaluation:
          Individual evaluation
          Totals evaluation
          With the individual evaluation, the number and amount for each wage typeare printed for each person. The totals evaluation only prints theselected wage types for each employee. The totals evaluation istherefore a compressed printout of the individual evaluation without thepersonnel numbers and employee names.
          The Reference period field allows you to specify a payroll periodas a comparison period for the above-mentioned reporting period. Thecomparison results and the absolute and relative differences are thenincluded in the list printout. Please note that this requires a listwidth of 132 characters, therefore you should choose an appropriateprint format. If you have a small monitor, you should use the verticalscroll bar. The following four selection options enable to to restrictthe output of the specified difference values, for example, you canchoose only to print wage types whose totals differ by more than 5%.
          You can also choose to display the overall total as well as subtotalsfor the organizational classification.
          The comparison values are not available for use with form output nor inCRT evaluations or in the PC download file.
          If the Read cumulated results parameter is active, the cumulatedannual values in CRT are read instead of the period values in table RT.
          • Sort sequence

          • This parameter determines the data output sequence. You can control dataoutput by means of the following sort criteria:
            Company code
            Personnel area
            Personnel subarea
            Cost center
            Employee group
            Employee subgroup
            Organizational unit
            The values for the sort criteria are taken from the work center data forthe payroll results (table WPBP).
            When sorting and evaluation is done per cost center, it is theemployee's most recent work center data (table WPBP) that is relevantfor assigning the employee wage types. There is no evaluation accordingto cost accounting, i.e. the report ignores cost distribution and costassignment and only reads the employee's most recent master cost centerfor the evaluation period.
            • Sort names

            • When an individual evaluation is performed, the employee names areprinted out, sorted in ascending order by personnel number. If you set aflag for this parameter, output is sorted by last name.
              • Totals formation

              • This parameter can be used to modify standard output after changing thesort criteria. The following options are possible:
                Total per sort group
                Total after a change of wage type
                Total after a change of personnel number
                • Formular

                • If you enter the ID for an existing form, the system displays the wagetypes defined in the form in accordance with your selection criteria.This enables you to display the wage types in a different order fromthat in the list of totals.
                  The following conditions must be fulfilled:
                  You must enter the ID of an existing form
                  Values from the CRT cannot be printed in the form

                  As of SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70 (SAP_HR 470), you can no longer save the wage type statement to your PC.

                  Error messages and troubleshooting
                  Note: different period modifiers are available
                  You cannot perform evaluations for more than one country in the wagetype statement. Select payroll areas from one country per evaluation.

                  Technical note
                  The wage type statement uses the following programs or includes:
                  - RPCLGA00 Start wage type statement, selection screen
                  - RPCLGA10 Read routines
                  - RPCLGA20 Output routines
                  - RPCLGA30 Main routines
                  - RPCLGAx0 Read program for database PCL2 (payroll cluster)
                  The read program for database PCL2 varies for each country version.Program RPCLGAU0 is used for the USA, RPCLGAD0 for Germany and so on.
                  The wage type statement writes the read payroll results (tables RT orCRT and table WPBP) to a sequential dataset. This is saved as anextract. The storage requirement can be deduced from the followingformula:
                  Storage in bytes = Number of personnel numbers *
                  Number of wage types *
                  Number of read payroll results *
                  Record length (approx. 100 bytes)
                  Example: The wage type statement is started for 3000 employees for 1period. Around 500 wage types per employee are accumulated. Theresulting storage requirement for the extract is approximately 150megabytes (3000 * 500 * 1 * 100).
                  If you have problems with storage capacity, extend the roll area in theprofile.

857881 HR-GB: Wage type reporter in GB menu
791413 MENU: "WT Statement" and "WT Distribution" removed.
788915MENU: "WT Statement" and "WT Distribution" removed.
633552Enhancement of the wage type reporter
455260HR-DST: Datenzugriff Steuerprüfung - alt -
560732Steuerprüfung: Sammelhinweis 10'2002
380237Euro and remuneration statement
415067HR-EURO: Fragen zur HR-Euroumstellung Deutschland
454055EURO: Umrechnung im Lohnartennachweis RPCLGA00