SAP Program RPCLALN1 - Wage Return: Display Data (Viewer) New

Use this report to produce a structured and detailed overview of thepayroll taxes return.

This report is based on returns that have been created.

You must have read-rights for the selected legal person in order todisplay it (authorization object P_NL_LA06 with ACTVT equal to'01' or '03').


The payroll taxes return can be selected according to:

  • Legal person

  • Selects the legal person(s) for which the return is to be displayed. F4help is available.
    • In-Period (year and period)

    • In this parameter, the period is selected IN which a wage return hasbeen created. If no period is selected, an overview will appear showingseveral options to choose from.
      • Separate adjustment (year)

      • This parameter is used to select the year for which a separate returnadjustment has been created.
        • Personnel number

        • If the selection is made according to personnel number, only theselected persons will be displayed. This selection will not affect theamounts shown in the collective return. F4-help is available.

          You can choose from the following display options:

          • Display all data

          • Select this option to display all tables in the return. This is thedefault setting.
            • Collective data

            • Select this option to display only the collective data in the return.Any additional selection according to personnel number will be ignored.
              • Employee data

              • Select this option to display only the employee data in the return.
                The standard variants have the following options:
                • Display previous data

                • Select this option if you also wish to see the 'old' data (if anadjustment has been made). For collective data and employee data tables,the current return amount, the previous amount and the balance will beshown for each feature. This option is selected by default.
                  • Selection according to status:

                  • Show last return (default): use this option to display the most recentreturn (from the relevant IN-period).
                    Show all returns: use this option to display all returns, regardless oftheir status. You can select the desired returns in a subsequent screen.
                    • Layout

                    • Use this parameter to select the layout of the collective and employeedata. If you select a layout that is not available, the standard SAPlayout will be used.
                      • Batch mode

                      • Use this option to indicate where the output is to be saved (other thanon your screen). This option is used if the return is too large todisplay online. You also need to start the program in the background.
                        It is possible to save the data directly in the spool or the TemSe.
                        ,,From the spool, you can print the output or download it as an (ASCII)file.
                        ,,From the TemSe, you can download the data in Microsoft Excel usingRPCLADN1.

                        After all selection data has been entered, the appropriate payroll taxesdata will be displayed. If only one return is available, this will bedisplayed straight away. If several returns have been selected, thedesired return can be selected in a subsequent screen.
                        The payroll taxes returns are displayed in a window that is made up oftwo sections. The tables of the return are displayed in the uppersection; the lower section contains the relevant data in ALV format.