SAP Program RPCLALN0 - Wage Return: Displaying Data (Viewer)

This report is used to give a structured and detailed display of thecreated wage returns.

The report is based on data created using report WageReturn Extractor.

You must have authorization to read the selected LePers in order todisplay them (authorization object P_NL_LA06 with ACTVT equal to"01" or "03").

Wage returns can be selected by:

  • Legal Person

  • Selects the legal person for which to display the wage returns. F4 Helpis available.
    • In-Period (Year and Period)

    • This parameter is used to select the period in which a wage return iscreated. All data from this period is displayed, i.e. both the returnand adjustment returns of previous periods that are created in thisin-period. Normally, it is sufficient to specify a legal person. Afteryou have entered the data, the current return period is displayed onscreen.
      • Personnel Number

      • If you select by personnel number, only the selected persons aredisplayed in the nominative part of the report. The selection does notaffect the amounts displayed in the collective return.

        The following selection variants are available:

        • Display All Wage Return Data

        • If you choose this option, the system displays both the collective andthe nominative wage return data. This is the default setting.
          • Display Only Collective Wage Return Data

          • In this case, any selection by personnel number is ignored.
            The standard variants have the following options:
            • Display Adjusted Data

            • If an adjustment is applicable, this option also displays the "old"return data. The current and previous return amount as well as thebalance are displayed by indicator for the collective and nominativereturn tables. This is the default option and is ignored if you do notselect by status.
              • Selection on status:

              • Display Current Return (Default): This option displays the currentreturn. Depending on the progress in the wage return process, the returnwill have the status New, To Be Sent, Sent or OK.
                Display All Returns: This option is used to specify that you do not wishto select on the status of the wage return. This means that all wagereturns will be displayed.

                The wage returns are displayed in a window that consists of two parts.In the upper part, the wage return data is organized in a treestructure. In the lower part, the table data is displayed in ALV format.The tree structure is sorted by legal person.