SAP Program RPCLADQ0 - Leave Advance Payment Calculation for Australia

Leave Advance Payment Report for Public Sector Australia

This report is to make an advance payment when employee is going to beabsence on the subsequent payday(s).
In case you delete or modify an absence, the system checks for anycorresponding advance payments for the period. If the employee hasreceived any advance payments for this period, the system:

  • Deletes the cluster

  • Displays the message of deletion

  • Triggers a retroactive payroll run for the period and retrieves the
  • advanced amount
    • In case of part period absence also, the system deletes the cluster for
    • the entire period.
      • In case of multiple absences in a single period, the system deletes the
      • cluster while processing any of the absence.
        A monthly paid employee is on leave from March 10 - 15, 2007. Thesystem creates an advance payment for his absence such that the employeereceives payment for pay period 9/2006 (March 1 - 31, 2007), in payperiod 7/2006 (January 1 - 31, 2007).
        The employee receives the pay for period 9/2006 when you run the payrollfor pay period 7/2006. Now, consider a case when you delete the absencefrom March 10 - 15, 2007 for this employee. The system deletes theadvance payment for the entire period in which the leave falls (March 1- 31, 2007). It then sets the retroactive payroll run date in PayrollStatus infotype (0003) to March 31, 2007. Thus when you run the payrollfor pay period 8/2006, the system triggers a retroactive payroll runfrom pay period 7/2006 to recover the advance payout.

        Maintain leave entry in Infotype 0573 and tick check box of advancepayment.
        Tick check box "Split acorss financial year" in IT0573 if you want theadvance leave payment to be split for different financial year.
        Only certain leaves are eligible to be paid in advance. It is configuredin table T5QPBS2C


        Absence Begin Date - If there are multiple leaves to be paid in advance,and to pay in the same period, this date must be earlier than all leavesbegin date
        Absence End Date - If there are multiple leaves to be paid in advance,and to pay in the same period, this date must be greater than all leavesend date
        Accounting Period To Pay - This accouting pay period must not be paidyet, and must be ealier than leave period

        When you create an advance payment, a report detailing the payments thatare to be made to the employee is produced at the same time. The reportshows all the payments to the employee period by period. The last pageof the report shows the net amount to be paid to the employee and theperiod in which it is to be paid. All warning/error messgges will beprinted at the end of output report.
        If you make any changes in IT0573 after running this report, e.g 1)Reduce leave period by changing begin/end date; or 2) Turn off theadvance payment flag; or 3) Turn on/off the split flag; or 4) Deleteleave. You are required to re-run this program to update advance paymentresults, the report will show you which advance payment period(s) beingdeleted from Q3 table or updated in Q3.