SAP Program RPCL01Q0 - Payment Summary/ETP Summary Listing Report

Payment Summary Listing Report (RPCL01Q0)

There is a new Payment Summary Listing Report
(RPCPSLQ0), which is an enhancement to the existing
Payment Summary Listing Report (RPCL01Q0). From financialyear 2007 onwards, customers must use this enhanced report instead ofthe earlier report.
This report generates a Payment Summary Listing that allows youto verify and detect errors in year-to-date amounts and personnel data,such as an employee's name, address and tax file number, and to correcterrors before issuing payment summaries. The listing also identifiesemployees who already have a payment summary issued to them.

The listing report accesses the data for the payroll period you want toverify from the Cumulation Results Table (CRT).

You must have processed at least one payroll run.



The report allows you to generate the following data for the lastpayroll period or a selected period and year, for one or more payrollareas:

  • Payment summary report

  • This provides an overview of all the payment related data printed on thePayment Summary Listing report. Select the following indicators:
    With Allowance detail to generate the detailed Allowanceslist
    With Union fee detail to generate the detailed Union feelist
    With Workplace Giving detail to generate the detailed employeeWorkplace Giving list
    The system by default prints the totals of the Allowance,Union fee and Workplace Giving amounts in the PaymentSummary Listing report. It generates their detailed lists only whenyou select the indicators.
    The reports by default will display part year payment summariesindividually and will be sorted and subtotaled by ABN.
    • ETP summary report

    • If you select the ETP Payment summary report field, the reportwill print the ETP details in a separate report.
      • Exception report

      • If you select the Exception report field, you can list paymentsummary details for employees given the following situations:
        An employee does not have a tax file number
        An employee has an ATO exemption code set up in their Tax FileNumber Infotype (0227)
        An employee does not receive a payment summary because all of his or hervalues are set to zero
        A payment summary has already been issued to the employee
        • The report truncates or rounds-off all numeric values to the nearest
        • dollar by default. To print the numeric values with decimals, you mustselect the Numeric values with decimals (cents) field.

          From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> Australia ->Subsequent activities -> Annual -> Lists/statistics
          -> End-of-year reports -> Payment Summary/Group certslisting reports -> Payment summary listing 2001 onwards.
          The Payment Summary/ETP Summary Listing Report screen appears.
          Enter the relevant details.
          Choose Program -> Execute.