SAP Program RPCKU0S0 - Annual tax statement

Annual tax statement ('Kontrolluppgift till skattemyndighet')
The purpose of this report is to create a file to be sending to the
National tax board ('RSV') and to create a script to be sending to
the employee. The script could be of 3 different types:
RSV2300 (Normal White), RSV2303 (ATP Yellow) and RSV2340 (Sink Green).
The type of script of the employee is stated in infotype 0438.
The filelayout is regarding the information in the document RSV260 and
RSV274 issued by the National tax board 1997.
The file is created in the Tempse. To copy the file out to the
presentation or application server execute the program RPCKU0S1.
Fields on the selection screen:
a - employee number
b - Year (default current year - 1)
c - Latest payroll data or Payroll data at 31/12 (default latest data)
If you want to run at the data 31 december and not take into
consideration the eventuality of retro running for the choiced year
in next year choice payroll data at 31/12. If you want to take
into consideration the eventuality of retro running for the choiced
year in next year chocie latest payroll data.
d - Personell area/sub area
e - Print form If marked the employee script is printed
f - Print file If marked the file is printed to the tempse
g - Summary of personell areas Feature name for grouping together
personnel sub areas blonging to the same personnel area.
h - Instructions needed No of instructions 0-99 you want to have
from the National tax boarder. This information is only used at the
i - Media ID The name of the media. This information could be given
in the labelfile.
j - Program This information must be given in the labelfile.
default 'SAP R/3'.
k - Correction date
l - label file as a seperate file. If you want to send the file to
'RSV' on a diskette or on a Unix media the labelfile should be sent
as a seperate file. If you want to send the file on a tape or cassette
the labelfile will be included in the datafile.
m - SAP Script form - default is the layout form deveoped by SAP.
n - HR FORM Link default is KU01
o Test run If you want to send a testfile to 'RSV' you state thisfield.
In order to run this report with a satisfying result table T512E
must be properly customized.
The table T536A is used to read information about the media deliverer.
This information is used in the labelfile to RSV. The information
is read as follows:
/B 0001 A Name of the deliverer mandatory
/B 0001 B Department
/B 0001 C Person responible
/B 0001 D Address
/B 0001 E Postcode
/B 0001 F City
/B 0001 G Telephone number
/B 0001 H Fax number
/B 0001 I E-mail address
/B 0001 O Organisation number mandatory