SAP Program RPCKTOD0 - Payroll Accounts

Germany only

1592797DEUEV old occupational code: Conversion
1527444Payroll account - changes at year-end legal change 2010/2011
1427201Remuneration Statement: Factor with 3 Dec. Places (RPCEDTD0)
1421029Payroll account: Factor with three decimal places (RPCKTOD0)
1292334HR-DKTO: Berufsständisches Versorgungswerk
1295725HR-DKTO: pausch. LSt nach §37b im Lohnkonto
700124Abrechnungsabbruch CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_COMP_TYPE
455260HR-DST: Datenzugriff Steuerprüfung - alt -
399851Address in remuneration statement