SAP Program RPCKTOC1 - HR-CH: Personal annual payroll accounts with total company

This report creates the personal annual wage accounts with the total percompany (company code) in accordance with the guidelines for wagedata processing (editor: SUVA) (Swiss Accident InsuranceAssociation).
All wage types used are output (for each personnel number) that areassigned to evaluation class 6 to be printed for revision. For wagetypes that are allocated as cumulation wage types, a half-year total isnot output. Likewise, whether the amount, number or rate is printed inthe wage account can be controlled by evaluation class 6.
If the wage type contains a C3 split, this is output after the wage typetext (for example, the different levels for voluntary insurances).
You can access the payroll results using the in-period view in the sameway as the wage type statement. Retroactive accountings are notspecially marked.
Personal annual wage accounts are created on an annual basis. All wagerecordings, the accounting documents used for revising them, and otherdocuments are to be retained without exception for at least five years.For companies liable for keeping accounts (article 957 OR), documentshave to be retained for ten years in accordance with Article 962 OR.

You can determine whether you want to print only the RecapitulationTotal Company Code or also the individual annual wage accounts forthe desired year of evaluation.
Furthermore, you can also choose to display the control list in the ABAPList Viewer.

1602329Documentation: Addition to report documentation (RPCKTOC1)
1234276SI: Mid-year chng of UVG plant sec/code & display in PY acct
1313276Information for adapting reporting to LDV guidelines
1175428Revision of the report documentation
1158675"New AHV No": Adj Pers annual payroll accounts (RPCKTOC1)