SAP Program RPCKSMA1 - Payroll for the City (Municipal) Fund

This report gives you a monthly summary of the municipal taxes.

This report evaluates the results you created during payroll (in thestandard with the report RPCALCA0). You havecumulated wage types according to certain conditions (municipality,company code, and so forth) for several employees.
You can summarize the wage types in the payroll dependent on the reportparameters. The report rounds the cumulated base for municipal taxesand applies a percentage. The report creates a list of amounts that thecompany pays to the municipal and city funds. You can transfer theseamounts to accounting. The report also creates internal lists andofficial SAPscript forms.

The following are prerequisites for running the report:

  • In Customizing for Personnel Administration under
  • Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment you haveprocessed the section Organizational Assignment Supplement Austria
    You must have saved the following data:
    Your company's address (company name, personnel area/personnel subarea,street/house no., postal code, and city)
    Municipality numbers
    Data processing register number (DPR-no.)
    • In Customizing for Personnel Administration under
    • Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment ->Additional Organizational Assignment Austria -> PersonnelSubareas -> Assign Municipalities you must specify whetherthe exemption limit is taken into account.
      • In the table Payroll Constants (T511K) you have processed the
      • following constants:
        LOHNP Percentage rate applied to the rounded base
        LOHNF Exemption amount applied to the base
        LOHNG The maximum amount of the base to which an exemption canbe applied
        • If want to post retroactive accounting differences from the previous
        • caldendar year to special periods, the posting date must be maintainedin the view Period-Dependent Date Specifications. To edit thisview, in Customizing for Payroll Austria under Reporting forPosting to Accounting -> Activities in the HR-System performthe step Maintain Posting Date for Payroll Periods.
          • You have run payroll successfully.

          • During payroll, the base for municipal tax is determined based on themunicipality. A data set is created that is the basis for this report.This data set contains the cumulated wage type /680 (MunTx/ETxcontribution) The cumulated base is in the Number field; the cumulatedperson-related amount of municipal taxes is in the Total field.

            Evaluation Control/Selection
            The report evalues the selected payroll areas. You can specify one ormore payroll areas in the report selection screen.
            For the three related fields Payroll area, Payroll period
            , and Payroll year, the report reads the results from theprevious year that are necessary for the evaluation.

            Transfer to accounting
            If you want to post the municipal tax owed to accounting, activate theTransfer field. If this field is activated, a posting run iscreated and put in the posting run overview under the category APPosting Tax/SI Austria
            To display the posting run overview, choose from the SAP EasyAccess screen Human Resources -> Payroll -> PerPayroll Period -> Reporting -> Posting to Accounting-> Process Run from the main menu. Choose Help ->Application Help for information on processing posting runs.
            If you use external company codes, that is company codes in anothersystem, create an entry for these company codes in the tableTransfer to FI/CO: External Company Codes 3.X (T52EX). For moreinformation on this procedure, see the IMG for Payroll Austriaunder Reporting for Posting to Accounting -> SpecialScenarios -> Posting in Previous Releases ->Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System < 4.0The system creates a TemSe file for the posting records of this companycode.
            Enter the symbolic account for the creditor posting in the parameterSymbolic Account for Creditor Posting The account search for thecreditor posting account can be determined dynamically. Themunicipality number from the table Municipalities (T5A2G) istransferred to the posting document. For more infomation on thisprocedure, see the IMG for Payroll Austria, under Reportingfor Posting to Accounting, the sections DefineSymbolic Accounts and Assign Creditors.
            Enter the symbolic account of the clearing account in the SymbolicAccount for Financial Account field in the report selection screen.
            You can create simulation posting documents and reverse created postingruns.

            The report displays the data as a two-level overview tree. You use thistree to check the data that is to printed on the official form. (Thischeck list is intended for internal purposes only)

            • The data determined by the report is displayed in the main nodes. This
            • data is then included on the official form and sent as a notificationto the authorities/administrations.
              • The subnodes display the data on an individual level - for each
              • personnel number. Based on this data, you can check the data containedin the main nodes.

                Internal list
                The internal list is displayed using the ABAP List Viewer. You canprocess the lists individually. For this, the following genericfunctions are available:

                • List sort according to various column criteria

                • Display/hide columns

                • Change in column width

                • Creation of totals using value columns

                • Creation of group totals according to different criteria

                • Filter

                • Detail view of a list line

                • Mail connection

                • Excel download

                • Word download
                • List header
                  The header is processed dynamically. You can specify the sort fieldsfor the header as follows:
                  Choose Sort ascend. order or Sort descend. order fromthe list.
                  The window Define sort is displayed.
                  Choose the sort fields for the header from the Field list.
                  Choose Display selected fields.
                  For each sort field enter * in the column GC (Groupchange) of the table Sort Fields.
                  Choose OK.

                  Display variants
                  You can use display variants to change the format of the headers andthe item lines. In addition you can form totals using the header fieldsand the fields in the item lines. Thus you can represent individualrounding differences in the list.
                  You can create subtotals by using the headers only. For this reason,you can only format the title using header fields.
                  After processing the list, you can save the layout that best suits yourrequirements as a display variant. For this choose Settings ->Display variants -> Save ... from the processed list.
                  For more information on the List Viewer, refert to Help
                  -> SAP Library -> CA - Cross Application Components -> General Application Functions -> ABAP List Viewer.

                  Official list
                  The official list is issued as a SAPscript-Form. You can adjustthe SAPscript form to fit your company's requirements. For this,see Customizing for Payroll Austria
                  -> Payroll for Administrations and Institutions ->Evaluations for Municipal Administrations -> Set UpSAPscript Forms for Municipal Tax.
                  After you have adjusted the SAPscript form, enter a name foryour form in the Form for official list field in the reportselection screen.

                  Printed lists

                  • If you print online, you can choose if you want to print the official
                  • SAPscript form or an internal check list. The system defaults tothe check list.
                    In order to print online, choose Print from the output screen.
                    You reach the Print Options dialog screen. Here you selecteither the official form or the internal list for printing.
                    • If you run a background print job, both the official forms and the
                    • check list are printed. If you do not want the check list to beprinted, enter the value 02SAP in the Variant for internallist field in the report selection field. In this display variant,the internal check list is printed as an overview list of all createdforms.

                      Output device

                      • The official forms are printed on the printer that you enter in the
                      • Output device for official lists field in the report selectionscreen.
                        • The internal check list is printed on the printer that you specify when
                        • you create the print job.