SAP Program RPCKSJA1 - Annual Overview: Payroll City (Municipal) Fund

This report gives you an annual summary of municipal taxes. The summaryis used as a statement for the individual municipalities.

Scope of functions
The report evaluates the payroll results (Cluster RA) that you createdduring payroll using the report Payroll Driver Austria (
RPCALCA0) and the schema A000.

The following are prerequisites for running the report:

  • In Customizing for Personnel Administration under
  • Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment you haveprocessed the section Organizational Assignment Supplement Austria
    . You have entered and saved the following data:
    Addresses of your company (company name, personnel area/personnelsubarea, street/house no., postal code and city).
    Municipality numbers
    Data processing register number (DPR-no.)
    • In Customizing for Personnel Administration under
    • Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment ->
      Organizational Assignment Supplement Austria -> PersonnelSubarea -> Assign Municipalities you must have specifiedwhether the exemption limit is taken into account.
      • In the table Payroll Parameters (T511K), the following
      • parameters must be maintained:
        LOHNF - Exemption amount
        LOHNG - Exemption limit
        LOHNP - Percentage rate
        LOHNR - Amount for rounding

        The report issues the data as an overview tree with two levels. You usethis tree to check the data that is printed in the official form forthe authorities. (This checklist is only for internal use)

        • The superior nodes display the data determined by the report. The data
        • is transferred to the authorities on the official form.
          • The end nodes display the data on the level of each personnel number.
          • You can use this data to check the data in the superior nodes.

            Internal list
            The internal list is issued using the ABAP List Viewer. You can formatthis list individually. For this, the following generic functions areavailable:

            • Sort list according to various column criteria

            • Display/hide columns

            • Change in column width

            • Creation of sums using value columns

            • Creation of group sums according to different criteria

            • Filter

            • Detail view of a list line

            • Mail connection

            • Excel download

            • Word download
            • List header
              The header is processed dynamically. You specify the sort fields forthe header as follows:
              Choose Sort ascend. order or Sort descend. order from theField List.
              The window Define Sort is displayed.
              Choose the sort fields for the header from the Field List.
              Choose Display selected fields.
              For each sort field enter * in the column GC (GroupChange) of the table Sort Fields.
              Choose OK.

              Display variants
              You can use display variants to change the format of the header anditem lines. In addition, you form totals using the fields of the headerand of the item lines. With these, you can represent employee-relatedrounding differences.
              Only the headers can be used to form subtotals. For this reason, youcan format the title exclusively with the header fields.
              After you process the list, you can save the processing form thatfulfills your requirements as a display variant. To do this, chooseSettings -> Display variants -> Save... from theprocessed list.
              For more informtion on the List Viewer, see to Help -> SAPLibrary -> CA - Cross Application Components -> GeneralApplication Functions -> ABAP List Viewer.

              Official list
              The official list is issued as a SAPscript form. Data from theprevious year is printed as well.
              You can adjust the SAP default form to suit your company'srequirements. To do this, see Customizing for Payroll Austria ->Payroll for Administrations and Institutions -> Evaluationsfor Local Authorities -> Set Up SAPscript Form forMunicipal Taxes.
              After you have set up the SAPscript form, enter the name of theadjusted form in the Form for official lists field in the reportselection screen.

              Print out list

              • If you print online, you can choose whether you want to print the
              • official SAPscript form or the internal checklist. The checklistis printed in the current format.
                To print online, choose Print from the output screen.
                You reach the dialog screen Print Options. Here you can choosewhether the official form or the internal list is printed.
                • If you print in the background, the official forms and the checklist is
                • printed. If you do not want the checklist to be printed, enter thevalue 02SAP in the Variant for internal list (in reportselection screen). With this display variant, the internal checklist isprinted as an overview list of all created forms.


                  • The official forms are printed on the printer that you specify in the
                  • Printer: Official list field in the report selection screen.
                    • The internal checklist is printed on the printer that you specify at
                    • the beginning of the print job.

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