SAP Program RPCKSGA0 - Sickness Certificates/Sickness Certificate Fees - Register (Austria)

With this report you create the list of sickness certificates issued.This list meets the requirements of the Association of Austrian SocialInsurance Agencies.

The report reads the master data from Sickness Certs. A infotype(0056) and the payroll results. The report compares the data and issuesa list of possible discrepancies between the master data and thepayroll results.
The sickness certificates are sorted in the list according to theparameter settings for the report. Control totals are formed accordingto the specifications you made.


  • In Customizing for Personnel Administration under
  • Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment you haveprocessed the section Organizational Assignement SupplementAustria. You have entered and saved the following data:
    Data for your personnel subareas
    Data for your employer assignment units
    Your employer account numbers with social insurance institutions
    • Data for the sickness certificates is stored in Sickness Certs. A

    • infotype (0056).
      • The fee for the sickness certificate was created using the report
      • RPIKSGA0 (Batch Input Session for SicknessCertificate Fees). This created the wage type /3ZC (Sicknesscertificate fee) in Additional Payments infotype (0015).
        • If a sickness certificate was cancelled, the wage type /3ZD (No
        • sickness certificate fee) is created for Additional Paymentsinfotype (0015).
          • Payroll has been run successfully.
          • Sort/creation of control totals
            You can sort the list according to the following criteria:

            • Company code

            • Personnel area

            • Personnel subarea

            • Social insurance group

            • Social insurance agency

            • Employment status

            • Name of the insured

            • Social insurance number

            • These criteria are also used to form control totals.

              You receive the following display for each cancellation:

              • Header (only selected fields)

              • Company code
                Personnel area
                Personnel subarea
                Social insurance group
                Social insurance institution
                Employment status
                • Quarter

                • Insured

                • The symbol for a discrepancy between master data and payroll results
                  Status of insured (principle or dependent)
                  SI number
                  Last name and first name of the insured
                  • Sickness certificates

                  • Current number
                    Type of sickness certificate
                    Date of sickness certificate
                    Sickness certificate (printed or not printed)
                    Exemption text
                    • Fee statistics

                    • With fee
                      Without fee
                      Number of printed sickness certificates
                      • Diverse group sums

                      • With fee
                        Without fee
                        Number of printed sickness certificates
                        • Text and reason for cancellation

                        • List

                        • Year
                          SI number
                          Master data (MD) charged
                          Payroll data (PD) charged
                          Payroll data (PD) exempt
                          Personnel number

                          Report selection screen

                          Control of fee charged
                          These fields control whether a sickness certificate is displayed in thelist as a sickness certificate requiring a fee. This controldoes not influence the actual fee for the sickness certificate.
                          If you leave these fields blank, the report takes the fee maintained inthe master data.

                          • Date of issue

                          • Print

                          • Family member

                          • Physician's ID

                          • Reason for exemption from fee

                          • Duplicate

                          • Vacation destination (country)