SAP Program RPCINEE0 - Notification of contracts for INEM

This program generates the XML files used to interchange hiring datawith the INEM, following the structure and validations defined by theINEM.

The logical database PNP is associated to the program. The personnelnumbers selected when executing the program, as well as the specificselection criteria of pnp programs, are filtered according to the datamaintained in the contract data infotype 0016 (IT 0480) in the givenperiod.
You will find detailed information on the validations performed by theprogram in consulting note no. 704313.

Fill in the selection screen fields according to your needs.
Select the field "Live Run" to execute the program in live mode updatingthe master data of the selected employees.
If you select this field, bear in mind that you will modify thecommunication status as well as the master data. Make sure that theemployees are not locked by any other process/transaction.


The output is a log containing the process result with a list of theemployees selected and information on whether they have been included inthe communication or not, as well as the reason for rejection of certainemployees in the moment when the communication was generated (incompleterequired data, etc.). In the upper part of the frame that constitutesthe log there is a toolbar (on the Status Overview/Result bar) with apushbutton called "Generated Files". Click this pushbutton to displaythe generated file in HTML format. From this new screen you can downloadthe generated file to the local hard disk in HTML format.
You will find detailed and complete additional information on thefunctionality of this program in consulting note no. 704313.


1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1558014Contrat@: Program error generating XML file
1535276Contrat@ - updates of law 35/2010
1502411Contrat@ - new contract schemas of Real Decreto-Ley 10/2010
1021657CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas
1124771ES27.5:Class CL_EX_HRPAYES_INEE0 does not exist in 500