SAP Program RPCHSVN0 - Modify participation codes/SI groups for social insurance

This report is used to create a batch input session to change aparticipation code or contribution indicator of a social insurancesscheme collectively, or to change an SI group entered in infotypeSocial Insurance NL, 0059).
The participation codes/SI groups can be changed by delimiting the oldrecords and creating records with the correct start date and new code.This report changes the relevant records of all employees who have aparticipation code other than the one entered in the selection screen.The system will change only the infotype records valid from the startdate entered.
The report can be used to change codes of the following socialinsurance schemes:

  • WAO (Disablement Insurance Act)

  • WW (Unemployment Act)

  • ZW (Health Law)

  • Additional Social Insurance Scheme Acts 1 to 5
  • Precondition

    The report produces the following output:

    • An overview with the name of the session and the number of transactions
    • created.
      If no record has been selected, the system generates a message to thateffect.
      • A batch input session with the transactions created.

      • By running this session the changes are copied into the system.

        As of a certain date, for all persons employed in your organization,you wish to record that the employer/employee no longer has to pay astatutory contribution under the Health Law. This is replaced by apremium exemption applicable as of this date under the socialinsurances scheme.
        The report can be used to create a batch input session. By running thissession all infotype records concerned can be changed at the same time,i.e. the old records can be delimited and the new records created withthe new data.