SAP Program RPCG00Q0 - Payment Summary Print and Tape Create Australia

Payment Summary Program (RPCG00Q0)

This document outlines the changes in payment summary processingbrought about by the creation of a new Payment Summary infotype(0626).
For more information on the Payment Summary infotype, seePayment Summary Infotype (0626).
The procedures for processing payment summaries are described in detailin the SAP Libary under Human Resources -> Payroll -> PayrollAustralia -> Reporting Australia -> End-of-Year Processing -> PaymentSummaries/Group Certificates.
You must take the changes described below into account when followingthe SAP Library procedures.
As of the 2000/2001 financial year, group certificates are calledpayment summaries. The terms 'group certificate' and 'payment summary'are therefore used interchangeably in this document.

In addition to the Personal Data (0002), Addresses(0006), and Tax File Number (0227), infotypes, the PaymentSummary program reads and updates the Payment Summaryinfotype (0626).

The Payment Summary program enables you to produce:

  • Payment Summaries

  • Separate payment summary for eligible termination payments (ETP)

  • Separate payment summaries on change of ABN (Australian Business
  • Number)
    • Employee allowances reports

    • List any allowances over and above the seven allowances printed on apayment summaries
      • One-off payment summaries

      • You can reproduce payment summaries already issued to employees and forwhich the completion indicator has been set in the PaymentSummaries infotype.
        In addition, the Payment Summary program has been enhanced tolet you produce:
        • ATO file reconciliation reports

        • These list all the employee information and values submitted to theATO. The data can be sorted by ABN or company code. You can display andprint the report.
          • Summary reports

          • When creating payment summaries, the report lists any errors found onthe payment summaries as well as all the employees who have receivedpayment summaries in the same order that the summaries were produced bythe Payment Summary program.
            When creating the ATO file, the report lists any errors found as wellas any mandatory fields that have not been filled.
            You can create the payment summaries on pre-printed ATO stationery oron plain paper, and transfer them to the ATO on a magnetic media. Thelayout of the payment summary forms and magnetic tape complies with thelayout prescribed by the ATO.

            The following describes the changes in payment summaries processingwith the new Payment Summary infotype:

            • Printing Payment Summaries

            • When you produce Payment Summaries for employees, the PaymentSummary program issues a Summary report listing any errorsfound on the payment summaries and all the employees who have receiveda payment summaries in the same order that the summaries were producedby the program.
              In addition, the system automatically creates a batch input sessionthat updates the Payment Summary infotype.
              SAP recommends that you check the batch input session for errors underSystem -> Services -> Batch input -> Edit.
              • Setting the Completion Indicator

              • For 2000/2001 Payment Summaries, the Payment Summary programreads Payment Summary infotypes to determine if a PaymentSummaries has been created for the financial year. However, the programonly updates the Payment Summary infotype with the PaymentSummary issue date.
                From 2000/2001 Payment Summaries onwards, the program reads and updatesthe Payment Summary infotype only.
                • Printing Payment Summaries by Australian Business Number

                • If you flag the Produce multiple payment summaries byABN field, the Payment Summary program creates a record foreach ABN in the Payment Summary infotype.
                  Each infotype record holds:
                  the date the employee joins the ABN or the start date of the financialyear (Payment summary start date)
                  the date the employee leaves a ABN or the end of the financial year(Payment summary end date).
                  • Transferring Payment Summaries to the ATO

                  • If you flag the Display ATO file reconciliation report? field,the Payment Summary program lists all the employee informationand values submitted to the ATO. The data can be sorted by ABN orcompany code, and can be displayed and printed.
                    When you create the ATO file, the program also issues a Summaryreport listing any errors found when creating the file or any mandatoryfields not filled.
                    • Correcting Payment Summaries

                    • If you find errors in your payment summaries after you have run thePayment Summary program, you can correct the errors and re-runthe program by entering the relevant date in the Maxdate check field. Any records created in the Payment Summaryinfotype on or after this date are not read by the Payment Summary program.
                      This enables you to recreate all payment summaries excluding anycertificates created during the financial year.
                      If you flag the Print summaries regardless of being issuedfield, the system creates payment summaries for all employees
                      including employees who received a payment summary during the year.
                      When you re-run the program, the SAP System updates the PaymentSummary infotype with the new, correct data.
                      • Producing Manual Payment Summaries

                      • If you want to issue a payment summary to an employee manually, thatis, without using the SAP System to create the payment summary, youmust record the manual issue in the Payment Summary infotype.
                        You do this by creating an infotype record specifying thePayment summary start date and thePayment summary end date.
                        By doing this, the next time you run the Payment Summariesprogram, it can determine when a summary was last issued for theemployee.
                        If you create a record in the Payment Summary infotype, theManual field on the infotype screen automaticallydefaults to Yes.
                        • Withdrawing Payment Summaries

                        • If you produced a payment summary and subsequently find that it is notvalid (for example, because a terminated employee has been rehired orit contains the wrong values), you can cancel the payment summary bywithdrawing the relevant Payment Summary infotype record.
                          To do this, you access the infotype record in change mode, andset the Withdrawn field to Yes.
                          The next time you run the Payment Summary program, the systemignores the fact that a payment summary has been issued to theemployee, and creates a new payment summary and payment summary recordfor the employee.