SAP Program RPCFUDI0 - Report for CUD 2003 form management

For complete information about this program, see SAP note number 581935.

The following requirements must be met in order to use the programRPCFUDI0 to calculate CUD (employee single statement) for the year 2003:

  • SAP system calculated the employee wage for the whole year 2002. Results
  • in clusters (RI/B2/PC) are consistent;
    • clusters RI/B2/PC were not changed apart from payroll using the program
    • RPCALCI0;
      • master data were not changed without carrying out the relevant payroll
      • once again (for example in infotypes 0154, 0156, or 0160);
        • if SAP form for time data management (TM) is not being used, interfaces
        • and user exits are needed to use the report RPCFUDI0;
          • function INAB
          • must NOT be customized, so that the percentage "company integration" is= 0 (when it should be 100%) -> section 3 of form social securitysection;
            • the program must be run by using the currency set in cluster RI
            • (calculation results), otherwise the error due to rounding may beconsiderable.

              If you use the deferred month solution:
              the fiscal section of CUD2003 is based on cash basis accounting; noproblems arise for those who use the deferred month;
              the social security section of CUD2003 is based on accrual conceptaccounting; the contributions generated in the deferred month must berelated to the previous month and not to the current one;
              only use liability wage types (those generated by the program RPCALCI0during standard/non-deferred month according to contributions due inthat month); in such a way, both the contributions and the period willalways follow the accrual concept accounting.

              If the program RPCFUDI0 is used without SAP TM (time recording):
              Relevant boxes are filled by using a layout interface. SAP note 581920explains the procedure in detail.

              File used to overwrite calculation results:
              After calculating the value of each box for the employee specified inthe initial selection screen, the program RPCFUDI0 enables the user tooverwrite the value of individual boxes for specific employees byreading a layout file containing the new value and the indication ofboth the employee and the box to be changed; note 581935 describes theprocedure in detail.

              Bitmap file:
              Use the program RPCFUDI0 to load a bitmap file with the Euro logo forthe first page of the form and a bitmap file with the employer signaturefor the second page. SAP does not provide these files. The user can loadthem by using the transaction SE78 starting from release 4.6B. Loadedand named objects (windows file ".bpm") can then be called and enteredin a specific field contained in the selection screen of the formCUD2003.


              Functions of program RPCFUDI0:
              This program is used to process the form CUD2003 (master data section,fiscal section and INPS/INPDAI section in social security section).
              Moreover, it enables the user to work at different 'depth levels', forexample at "company" level (general) or at 'deeper' levels, such as"INPS code" or "place of work".
              For boxes 19, 20, 21 of form section B, data generated by the newpayroll functionITCAF areconsidered. Moreover, adjustments and integrations (if any) aresupported.

              User exits
              For user exit activation, see the relevant chapter.

              Interface file
              The program RPCFUDI0 does not manage ALL possible situations for all theemployees in every company type. Therefore, in some cases the use ofspecific interfaces to change output results is required.
              There are three different situations (and their corresponding solutions)for employees with company changes:
              RESET N1
              Rehiring in the same company:
              it is required to use the same Personnel Number;
              no changes are carried out as far as payroll is concerned;
              the event date is not relevant for CUD calculation;
              the followed procedure is the same as the one followed for wage paymentinterruption once or more than once during the year; the output willcontain standard splits of social security and severance indemnitysections of the form CUD2003; the CUD refers to the whole period (year);
              this solution is supported by the system.
              Company change due to collective operations:
              the old company may disappear;
              at present, this solution is not supported by the system.
              Company change due to individual operations:
              the creation of a new Personnel Number and of infotype 0305 as "previousemployer" is required; this operation is only possible at month start(first day of every month). It is moreover necessary to use infotype0031 following the change time sequence;
              the procedure for CUD implies a different CUD form for every employee;usually, there are two employees with a CUD form for the old company andone for the new company (the old company is the previous employer); alsoin this case, the social security section and the Severance Indemnitysection are split;
              the CUD only refers to the company period (example: one CUD for the oldcompany January-April and one CUD for the new company May-December);
              since future changes are expected as far as this point is concerned,please read the note before carrying out the change;
              this solution is supported by the system.

              Background processing:
              The program can be carried out in background using a layout file viatransaction SE38 -> menu -> program -> run -> background.

              Calculation description:
              Note 581935 describes in detail the calculation procedure for CUD2003 inthe different form sections, in particular:

              • master data section;

              • fiscal section:

              • income data
                other data for income statement preparation (if necessary)
                expenses subject to tax withholding
                expenses not included in taxable income
                settlement data
                deficit during settlement
                • social security section:

                • section 1
                  section 2
                  section 3
                  • Note description (remarks)
                  • User exits
                    User exits available for form CUD2003 are described in note 581935.
                    Read the documentation concerning user exits contained in the note andthe documentation concerning transactions SMOD and CMOD needed toactivate user exits.
                    To display the documentation concerning user exits, call the transaction(for example CMOD) and, in the menu, Help-> Help for the application.

                    Ministry directives that need to be supplied to the employee are notincluded in the print of this program, since they are the same for allthe employees.
                    For changes in SAPScript format, see notes 202204 and 306219.
                    Data related to CAF (center for fiscal assistance): for thedocumentation concerning this section, see notes 350082 and 337931.
                    For customizing, see the specific chapter in note 581935. It explains indetail how to customize the system in the different sections of the form(for example, in the section concerning settlement data or severanceindemnity data).