SAP Program RPCFTPM3 - FTP Link to PBS

This report is used to display the files send to PBS and the filesreceived from PBS.

In the Inbound folder you find all the files which has been sendto PBS. At the same time a backup file (xxx.bak) in the Backupfolder and a status file (xxx.stt) in the Status folder isautomatically created.
In the Outbound folder you find all the files which have beenreceived from PBS. In the Backup folder you find three types offiles, the error file (xxx.ero) which lists any type of errors orwarnings, the net file ( which lists the net results from PBS,and the list file (xxx.lst) which lists information about which banktransfers that has been carried out, balancing sheet("afstemningsbilag") as well as a copy of the PBS payslip.
