SAP Program RPCEUIL0 - EPF upload of INITIAL to Infotype 0196

Updating of EPF's INITIAL is provided by KWSP and written
onto a file named 'INITIAL' and saved in the test diskette for the
employer to retreive upon receipt back of the test diskette.

Determine the date of delimination of the old record (infotype 196).
All 'initial' updated to infotype 196 will start from the deliminate
date keyed by the user to 31.12.9999.
The format of the INITIAL file is as follows:
Field Type Field Length Bytes remarks
name Chars Bytes FR|TO
------- ----- ----- ----- -- -- -----------------
1. Employer Num 9 9 1 9 As supplied by
No. employer
2. Identifying Alpha/num 10 10 10 19 As supplied by
3. Member Num 8 8 20 27 As supplied by
Num. employer
4. NRIC Alpha/num 1 1 28 28 As supplied by
Prefix employer
5. NRIC Alpha/num 12 12 29 40 As supplied by
number employer
6. Member Alpha/num 34 34 41 74 As supplied by
name employer
7. Member Alpha/num 3 3 75 77 As supplied by
initial employer

All data read from the INITIAL file will be put into a batch input
file for update to infotype 196.
At the same time, all successful data will be shown in the screen
and also all error occured.
Note: Employee who already have an initial field and the initial is
the same as the one from INITIAL file will not be processed.