SAP Program RPCDTBF0 - Bank transfer program - separate payment - FRANCE only

Report RPCDTBD0 is a DME program which must be started prior to payrollaccounting. The program reads infotypes:
0011: External Bank Transfers
0014: Recurring Payments/Deductions
0015: Additional Payments
from the HR master data and selects the records with wage type UBWLGART(parameter "DME Wage type"). Input for the data medium print program iscreated from these records. Please note that this wage type requires acorresponding entry in table T520S (Text Key for Data Carrier).
When the program reads infotype 0011, the payee key is converted usingtable T521B and the purpose is transferred. In the case of infotypes0014 and 0015, the bank data is determined by the first bank connectionusing the last possible selection period as the key date. If the nameand address of the payee have been specified in this first bankconnection (such information will only have been entered if it is notthe same as the default contained in infotypes 0002 and 0006, name andaddress), then this data will be used for the bank transfer. Otherwise,the payee data is taken from infotypes 0002 and 0006.
RPCDTBF0 only selects the 0011 and 0014 records for which the currentperiod is within the payment dates.
If the parameter "Set flag for transfers" has been selected, reportRPCDTBF0 enters the current period in the Transfer period field in themaster data and returns the changed records to the PREL file (this doesnot apply to infotype 0011).
If the transfer period does not match the current transfer period inthe 0014 and 0015 records, the records are considered transferred. Thismeans that a transfer only takes place if the parameter "Repetition"has been flagged.
Please note that the wage type to be transferred is coded as an'advance', so that the amount is deducted from net pay during payrollaccounting.
Data is converted into data input for the RFXFXF30 payment printprogram (France) in exactly the same way as for program RPCDTAF0.Please refer to the documentation for this program.
If you specify LGART from 0011:
Please note that you must modify the accounting rules if you requirethat the transfer be considered a deduction in a subsequent payrollrun. If you fail to modify the accounting rules, the wage type will beprocessed again when another transfer takes place.