SAP Program RPCDPEB0 - Pension Declaration

A monthly declaration has to be done for the RIZIV/INAMI. It will listall the procedures on Pension Advantages as well as the payments doneduring the Reference month.
Possible procedures are Opening (C1), Changing (C2), Closing (C3) orCancelling (C4) of Pension Advantages.
Normal payments (D1) and regularisations on payments done in previousdeclarations (D2) are listed.

The declaration uses cluster data created in the reference month.
During a payroll run data relevant for the declaration is read,processed and stored in the PENS tables of cluster RB.


Specify Reference month and the Registration number.

The result of the declaration is a file consisting of 3 parts:
A docket identifying the declaration
A line has the following structure:
Description length start pos. end pos.
Type of declaration element 2 1 2
Kind of document 1 3 3
Layout version 1 4 4
Document reference number 15 5 19
Registration number institut. 6 20 25
Creation date document 8 26 33
Body of the declaration : actions and payments
A line has the following structure:
Description length begin pos. end pos.
Type of declaration element 2 1 2
Reference number element 20 3 22
Identification number soci 11 23 33
Name of benefiary 48 34 81
Firstname of beneficiary 12 82 93
Date of birth 8 94 101
Place of birth 7 102 108
Street 32 109 140
House Number 4 141 144
Box number 4 145 148
Postal code 10 149 158
Location code 7 159 165
Country code 7 166 172
Location 40 173 212
Country 40 213 252
Gender 1 253 253
Language correspondence 1 254 254
Number pension file 15 255 269
Periodicity 1 270 270
Start date of pension 8 271 278
Start date current right 8 279 286
Type of pension 1 287 287
Legal status of beneficiary 1 288 288
Type contracting employer 1 289 289
Dependent family 1 290 290
Code advantage 2 291 292
Kind of advantage 2 293 294
Code single/family 1 295 295
Origin of right 1 296 296
Period of modification of 8 297 304
End date 8 305 312
Cancelling date of right 8 313 320
Gross amount 17 321 337
Taxable amount 17 338 354
Currency 5 355 359
Type of index 1 360 360
Index 7 361 367
Month of payment 6 368 373
Reference period Start. date 6 374 379
Ending month 6 380 385
Fiscal data dependent spouse 1 386 386
Number of dependent children 1 387 387
Other dependent persons 1 388 388
Special rules number 2 389 390
Definition special rules 20 391 410
Code SI contribution 1 411 411
Sign of the amount SII contr. 1 412 412
Amount of SII contr. 17 413 429
Sign of solidarity contr. 1 430 430
Amount of solidarity contr. 17 431 447
Percentage of solidarity contr. 3 448 450
Percentage of tax 3 451 453
Date pension request 8 454 461
Date decision of rejection 8 462 469
New Registration number in 6 470 475
New Identification number 11 476 486
New Pension file number 15 487 501
Date of validity 8 502 509
A docket with statistics
A line has the following structure:
Description length begin pos. end pos.
Type of declaration element 2 1 2
Kind of document 1 3 3
Layout version 1 4 4
Document reference number 15 5 19
Registration number 6 20 25
Creation date document 8 26 33
Number of elements 9 34 42
Number of payments 9 43 51
Total Gross amounts 17 52 68
Total SI contributions 17 69 85
Total Solidar.contr. Legal pens 17 86 102
Total Solidar.contr. Capital 17 103 119