SAP Program RPCCTXU1 - Tax Type Statement (U.S.)

This report examines the relevant payroll results to calculate the taxliability for a specified period and group of employees. It can also beused to reconcile payroll data with tax amounts posted to FI. The focusof the Tax Type Statement varies depending on whether you use SAPThird-Party Remittance to remit your taxes.

  • If you are using Third-Party Remittance, the Tax Type Statement can be
  • used to reconcile payroll data with tax amounts posted to FI.
    • If you are not using Third-Party Remittance, the Tax Type Statement can
    • be used to calculate your tax liability as well as reconcile payrolldata with tax amounts posted to FI.

      You must have payroll results available for the employee or group ofemployees you wish to include in the Tax Type Statement.
      If you are using this report to reconcile FI tax postings with payrolldata, you must run the report with the same frequency and key dates asyou post to FI. This is due to the way the system handles voids andreversals.
      Posting period,,Posted to FI,,Dates and time tospecify on
      ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tax Type Statement
      04/05-04/08,,,,04/09 11:30am,,
      04/09-04/12,,,,04/14 10:20am,,04/09/1999 11:30am - 04/12/1999
      04/13-04/17,,,,04/19 10:45am,,04/14/1999 10:20am - 04/19/1999
      For the posting period 4/5/1999 - 4/8/1999 you posted tax amounts to FIon 4/9/1999 at 11:30am. The next posting period is 4/9/1999 -4/12/1999. When you run the Tax Type Statement for the posting period4/9/1999 - 4/12/1999, you should specify 4/9/1999 11:30am as the
      Last Remittance (Date/Time) and 4/12/1999 as the End ofRemittance Period. The first date (4/9/1999 11:30am) is thelast date and time you remitted tax amounts to FI and the second date(4/12/1999) is the end of that posting period.

      Specify the desired selection criteria in the Period,
      Selection, and Further Selection sections.
      In the Remittance Period Selection section, specify whether ornot your company uses Third-Party Remittance to remit taxes by choosingthe "No 3PR/Using 3PR" toggle button.
      This distinction is very important because the payroll results areevaluated by the report differently depending on whether you useThird-Party Remittance.
      If you specify that you use Third-Party Remittance (the toggle buttonwill read Using 3PR), the fields within that section will begrayed out so that you cannot enter any data.
      If you specify that you do not use Third-Party Remittance (the togglebutton will read No 3PR), you need to define the exact date andtime of the last tax remittance in the Last Remittance (Date/Time)field and the end date of the period you wish to evaluate in theEnd of Remittance Period field. (See the example under
      Requirements for more information).
      Note: The date and time you enter here are critical in ensuringthe accuracy of the report output. We therefore highly recommend usingthe date and time printed on the top of this report as the remittancedate and time for the next time you run this report (assuming you usedthe results of the last report to file your deposit). Entering thisdate and time ensures that any voids that have occured since you lastremitted your taxes are taken into consideration.
      In the Additional Data section, you can make the followingfurther selections:
      Special payroll results - Specify a particular payroll run, suchas a bonus or an adjustment run
      Evaluation type - Specify how you would like the report to bebroken down
      Employee/Employer taxes - Specify what type of taxes the reportdisplays
      Regular/Tip selection - Specify whether the report displaysregular and/or tip wages
      Tax type YTD only - Specify whether the report should onlydisplay year-to-date amounts
      Sort sequence - Define how the information is displayed in thereport
      Print Error Log - Specify whether you want the error log to beprinted with the report
      Detect Off-Cycle Payments - Specify whether you want the reportto pick up off-cycle payments that occured in a period. This indicatoronly affects the report when you run it by pay period.
      Execute the report.