SAP Program RPCBKVD0 - Construction Industry: Create Notifications for Social Fund Procedure

The report creates the notifications required for the social funds.

  • ANMEL: Change in employment relationship and master data

  • URMEL: Monthly notification of leave entitlement and reclamation
  • of leave remuneration granted for industrial employees.
    • RAMEL: Notification of remaining leave for industrial employees
    • in final year of traineeship.
      • LOMEL: Reclamation of wage adjustment for industrial employees.

      • NEMEL: Initial notification for opening account for start of
      • monthly notification procedure.
        In addition, a separate employee statement is saved if an industrialemployee leaves the company or the employee's organization assignmentchanges and this is relevant for the social fund (for example, thecompany assignment changes, or the assignment to company account numberchanges). This statement is then printed automatically when reportRPCBKMD0 has been executed.

        You have stored the numbers of the data processing centers for thesupplementary pension fund (ZVK/ULAK) for Wiesbaden and for Berlin inthe standard settings for the social fund.

        The report evaluates the employee's master data and the payroll resultsthat are relevant for the current notifications.
        At the same time, the report selects the employees for the SPF/ ULAKWiesbaden and the SKB Berlin.
        The date on which the report is executed is suggested as the creationdate, however, you can choose an alternative date if required.
        The following notification details are valid for the individual datarecords:

        The notification key defines the reason for the notification:

        • 0001: Entry with previous EE number and request for EE number

        • 0010: Start or end of employment relationship

        • 0015: Change of address/name

        • 0020: Notification of compulsory service

        • 0030: Notification of challenge

        • 0050: End of training period

        • 0060: Notification of employment periods for salaried employees and
        • foremen at end of year
          • 0070: Change from SKB Berlin to ZVK/ULAK Wiesbaden

          • (in addition to notification key 0010)
            • 0072: Change from ZVK/ULAK Wiesbaden to SKB Berlin

            • (in addition to notification key 0010)
              The employee group defines the employee's employment relationship:
              • 0001: Industrial employees (former West German states)

              • 0002: Foremen (former West German states)

              • 0003: Compulsory service (industrial employees)(former West German
              • states)
                • 0004: Industrial employees on foreign sites (former West German states)

                • 0005: Techn./commercial salaried employees (former West German states)

                • 0021: Industrial employees (former East German states)
                • URMEL
                  The monthly leave entitlement (gross wage, employment days and losthours) and the leave remuneration granted are assigned to the companyaccount number.
                  The system differentiates leave remuneration granted (notification type01) from leave compensation (notification type 11).

                  The remaining entitlement for industrial employees in the final year oftraining is submitted after the January payroll run for the year afterthe end of the training.

                  The wage adjustment granted is reclaimed for industrial employeesseparately for December and January.

                  The initial notification for a new account for the monthly notificationprocedure is submitted after the payroll run in December 1999. Theremaining leave entitlement for 1999 (pay and days) is also submitted.

                  Changes to the payroll past
                  Retroactive runs may trigger the reversal of data records.

                  • ANMEL

                  • Changes are submitted via the notification key with a '1' in the firstposition for the period in question (for example, 1010 for a change toregistration 0010 because the start date for the registration haschanged.
                    Reversals are submitted via the notification key with a '9' in thefirst position for the period in question (for example, 9010 for areversal of a deregistration 0010 because the employee does not leavethe company).
                    • With the data records URMEL, RAMEL, LOMEL and NEMEL, the
                    • reversals are identified by their reversal number.
                      In general, only the new up-to-date records are submitted if data inthe payroll past changed.

                      The system creates a TemSe file from the stored notifications whenreport RPCBKTD0 has been executed. This TemSe file can then betransferred to a diskette.
                      If notifications with errors have been saved, the report can berestarted before RPCBKTD0 is run when the master data or payrollresults have been corrected. The incorrect notifications are thenreplaced by the correct notifications.
                      The notifications for the previous evaluation period (in-period) mustbe transferred with report RPCBKTD0AS before you can start the reportafter the next payroll run.


                      Errors are processed as follows:

                      • 504: Employee has left company without
                      • deregistration from a social fund.