Program | Text |
RPCAOLD0 | Datenzugriff Steuerprüfung: Aufruf des Lohnarten-Reporters |
RPCAOPD0 | Datenzugriff Steuerprüfung: Export eines Jahres |
RPCAOSD0 | Datenzugriff Steuerprüfung: Stammdatenanzeige |
RPCAOTD0 | Datenzugriff Steuerprüfung: Aufruf View Steuerrelevanz der Lohnarten |
RPCAPMG0 | HR GB: Class 1A NICs Alternative Payment Method List |
RPCAPP00 | EC-PCA Planning: Direct Callup, Planning Processor |
RPCASBC0 | HR-CH: Solidarity contribution statement |
RPCASBL0 | ASB Report. |
RPCASL00 | Actual Line Item Reversal Report |
RPCATAD0 | Semiretirement: Minimum Net Amounts |
RPCATAD1 | Semiretirement: Minimum Net Amounts |
RPCATLD0 | Payroll List for Semiretirement |
RPCATOD1 | Altersteilzeit: tarifliche Mindestnettobeträge |
RPCATPV0 | Norwegian annual tax statement preparation |
RPCATTD1 | Semiretirement: Flat rate minimum net amounts |
RPCATXD0 | Musterprogramm für Simulation der Altersteilzeitabrechnung |
RPCAUDK0 | Audit/Reconciliation report |
RPCAUDK0_CE | Audit/Reconciliation report |
RPCAUMS0 | EC-PCA:Call Conversion Prog.for Sets, Programs and Gen.Ledger Settings |
RPCAUMS1 | EC-PCA: Convert Summary Records from Release 2.x to 3.0 |
RPCAUMS2 | EC-PCA: Convert Actual Line Items from Release 2.x to 3.0 |
RPCAUMS3 | EC-PCA: Convert Plan Line Items from Release 2.x to 3.0 |
RPCAUMS5 | EC-PCA: Conversion of sets and customer reports Release 2.x to 3.0 |
RPCAVAD0 | Data Selection CPS Statements Germany |
RPCAVADZ | BAV-Bescheinigung: 'Antrag auf Altersvorsorge' erstellen |
RPCAVIEW | Call-Up of View Maintenance with Set Controlling Area |
RPCAVTD0 | Create Data Medium for Actuarial Assessors |
RPCAWCGN | Conversion routines XML schema generation |
RPCAWCGN_XI | Conversion routines XML schema generation |
RPCAWSL0 | Malaysia Bonus (AWS) calculation |
RPCAWSR0 | Singapore specific Bonus (AWS) calculation |
RPCA_DEL_DOC | Delete PCA Document (Using Local Document Number) |
RPCA_DEL_REFDOC | Delete PCA Document Using Reference Document Number |
RPCBAL00 | Convert T512W Entries of Balances and Totals to T51P1 (Derived WType) |
RPCBDAPT0PBS | Public Administration Human Resources' Database (BDAP) |
RPCBETA1 | Payroll for Local Tax Office |
RPCBFPBS | Update quotas for enhanced leave |
RPCBGNA1 | SI Contribution Base Statement GKK with Data Medium Exchange (A) |
RPCBGNA1PBS | SV-Beitragsgrundlagennachweis BVA mit Datenträgeraustausch (A) |
RPCBJON0 | Ann.Statem.GAK |
RPCBKLD0 | Construction Industry: Display Notifications for Social Fund Procedure |
RPCBKMD0 | Construction Industry: SFP Employee Statement |
RPCBKSD0 | Construction Industry: Create Statistics for Social Fund Procedure |
RPCBKTD0 | Construction Industry: Create Data Medium for Social Fund |
RPCBKVD0 | Construction Industry: Create Notifications for Social Fund Procedure |
RPCBLAD0 | Construction Industry: Calculation of Lost Earnings Compensation |
RPCBLBD0 | WageConstr: Wage Adjustment Table |
RPCBLGD0 | Breakdown of Trade Tax: Construction Industry |
RPCBLHD0 | Construction Industry: Employee Statement for Social Fund Procedure |
RPCBLID0 | Construction industry: Contribution statement for social fund proc. |
RPCBMLD0_OUT | Sachbearbeiterliste für DEÜV-Meldungen (Berufsständische Versorgung) |
RPCBMLD0_OUT_DISPLAY | Anzeige von DEÜV-Meldungen (Berufsständische Versorgung) |
RPCBMMD0 | DEÜV-Meldungen für Berufsständische Versorgung bescheinigen |
RPCBMTD0 | DEÜV-Datenträger für Berufsständische Versorgung erstellen |
RPCBMVD0 | Meldungen für Berufsständische Versorgung erstellen |
RPCBOHD0 | Übertragung von Meldungen an die DASBV |
RPCBOLD0 | Sachbearbeiterliste BV Beitragserhebung Ausgang |
RPCBOVD0 | BV Beitragserhebungsmeldungen erstellen |
RPCBOWB0 | BELCOTAX - TemSe file Analysis |
RPCBPSK0 | Business Payrolls Survey - Canada |
RPCBPSK0_CE | Business Payrolls Survey - Canada |
RPCBRUA1 | Works council contribution list (Austria) |
RPCBSMG0 | HR-GB: Interface Travel Expenses to GB Company Car Infotype |
RPCBVAA2 | Monatliche SV-Beitragsnachweisung der BVA |
RPCBVBD0 | Beitragsabführung an berufsständische Versorgungswerke |
RPCBVJA1 | Jährliche SV-Beitragsgrundlagennachweisung der BVA |
RPCBVKD1 | Contribution statements for BVK (Public Sector Germany) |
RPCBVLD0 | Anzeige von BV-Beitragserhebungs Meldungen |
RPCBW1D0 | HR-DBW: Sonderbescheinigungen über Einmalzahlungen an die KKs |
RPCBWAA0 | Bescheinigungswesen - Österreich |
RPCBWAB0 | BELCOTAX - Yearly Income Declaration |
RPCBWAD0 | PY-DE-BW: Data Selection |
RPCBWAF0 | PY-DE-BW: Data selection |
RPCBWAF0_COLLDEC | PY-DE-BW: Data selection |
RPCBWEB0 | FINPROF - External Payments Declaration |
RPCBWLD0 | Datensätze anzeigen |
RPCBWMB0 | FINPROF - Advance Tax Declaration |
RPCBWMOL | copy country grouping to internationalized tables |
RPCBWPA0 | Bescheinigungswesen - Druckprogram |
RPCBWPB0 | FICHES 281.xx - Printing documents |
RPCBWPD0 | Druckprogramm zur Erzeugung eines SapScript-Layouts |
RPCBWPF0 | SapScript print |
RPCBWPF0_COLL_PDF | Adobe Form printing |
RPCBWPF0_PDF | SapScript print |
RPCBWSD0 | Einzelne Bescheinigungen je KK-Annahmestelle zusammenfassen |
RPCBWZD0 | Datensätze verwalten |
RPCC32B0 | Edition of Unemployment Document C3.2 |
RPCC72M0 | Create tay infotype records from PBS file with FORM 24 entries |
RPCCDSN0 | Social Insurance Notifications (Cadans) |
RPCCGAPT0PBS | Magnetic File for CGA Deductions |
RPCCJON0 | Ann.Statem.Cadans |
RPCCMDBR0_0 | File Layout - OMBR |
RPCCMDC0_0 | File Layout - OTMC |
RPCCMDD0_0 | File Layout - OTMD |
RPCCMDE0_0 | File Layout - OTME |
RPCCMDF0_0 | File Layout - OTMF |