SAP Program BUPXPRA17 - SAP BP: Conversion of Role and Role Grouping in BP Roles/Categories

The implementation of the new BP role concept in SAP_ABA Release 6.40entails renaming the previous entity, "role", as "BP role" and storingit for the application object BUPA (SAP Business Partner) in thenew table TB003 (delivery class C). The concept makes it possible toseparate clearly the technical (screen controlling) and businessmeaning of the BP role. This means that the BP role in table TB003 takeson the business aspect (simple creation, change and deletion), whereastable TBZ0 takes on the screen control aspect.
The entity "BP role category" is also introduced in table TB003A(delivery class E) in order to allow SAP and user-defined programs tobase their programming on the BP role (C table TB003).
This report converts the table TBZ0 1:1 into tables TB003 and TB003A,including text tables, so that it is still possible to maintain businesspartners in various BP roles.
Table TB044 (TB044T), which is responsible for controlling thevisibility of BP roles in the BP maintenance, is taken into accountwhen the TBZ0 data is transferred. The titles, position and thevisibility indicator of the BP role in the dialog are transferred totable TB003 (titles from TB044 in tables TB003T and TB003B - "BP rolecategories: texts). The table is converted only during anupgrade from a SAP_ABA Release >= 5.0A.
The role, which represents the employee or the organizational unit inthe BP maintenance and which is stored in table T77S0, is includedin table TB003, assigned to the BP role category BUP003 or BUP004,and selected as a standard role. The indicator 'is standard role' isreset for any BP role that is possibly already assigned forthis BP role category.
The previous BP role CRM000 ("customer") is renamed "sold-to party" andthe BP role category of the same name is assigned to it. The previousBP role CRM001 ("sold-to party") is not converted, and remains in tableTBZ0.
The grouping together of several BP roles in a BP role grouping(previous table TBZ0G) is converted into table TB003G or TB003H (texts),and the assignment BP role grouping -> BP roles from table TBZ0Iis converted into table TB003I. In the same way as for the BP rolecategory, the BP role groupings from table TBZ0G are converted in eachcase into a BP role grouping category in table TB003J. This enablesthe programs to call the business partner maintenance with a BP rolegrouping category.

Conversion of the tables
TBZ0 ,,,,-> TB003, TB003A
TB044 ,,-> TB003
TB044T,,-> TB003T, TB003B
TBZ0T,,-> TB003T, TB003B
TBZ0G,,-> TB003G, TB003J
TBZ0H,,-> TB003H, TB003K
TBZ0I,,,,-> TB003I
Entries already made in the TB003* tables (C and E tables) are takeninto consideration during the conversion, and entries of the originalTBZ* tables are not changed to enable a restart.



Log of the XPRA run.

Some subsequent activities are necessary after this report has run.

675530SAP BP: Necessary adjustments for Release SAP_ABA 6.40