SAP Program BUPXPRA13 - BP: Covert Old ID Numbers (BUT001) to New (BUT0ID)

Transfer Report for Identification Numbers (BUPXPRA13)

In Release 5.0 (CRM 2.0C based on 4.6D) SAP Business Partner offers youthe option of maintaining ID numbers for different ID types. Thisinformation is stored in the new table BUT0ID, and maintenance isconducted by means of a table control. You can thus maintain multiplenumbers for different ID types: Example: driver's license number, Dun &Bradstreet number. The option available to date in which you maintainedregister entries (field BUT000-COMRG/CLBRG/COPRG), and legitimationcategories and numbers, is now superfluous. These fields are no longervisible, and cannot be maintained.
You can use BUPXPRA13 to transfer the field contents of these fields tothe new table. The system not only generates entries to the master datatable BUT0ID, but also the corresponding entries to the check tables,meaning that the texts for the old entries are also copied. Thecorresponding categories from table TB039 are automatically assigned tothe generated register ID types, meaning that any assignments thatdiffer are changed automatically.
For performance reasons the report does not run during the upgradeitself, and must be started manually. For this reason, you must ensurethat during the run no changes are made to the control tables affected(TB039A, TB039B), as otherwise inconsistencies may occur. The businesspartners themselves are all locked, meaning that before you can startthe run, you must unlock all partners.


1077616Business Partner Upgrade FAQ
785156BP_TR2: Update of the business partner conversion 2004
690288BP_TR1: Commercial register entry is not transferred