SAP Program BUPR_CURRENCY_CONVERSION - EURO Conversion of Capital Investment in Relationships

Business Partner: Currency Conversion in Contact Person and ShareholderRelationships

Using this report, you can carry out a currency conversion (e.g. to theEuro) for any number of business partner relationships.


The report can be started for all relationship or role determinationcategories and business partner relationships for these categories, orfor example for all business partners of a particular relationship orrole determination category. Here all business partner relationshipsfor a certain validity date are taken into consideration.
State the source and target currency.
If the indicator 'dialog' is suppressed, all selected records areconverted.
If the indicator has not been set, the hitlist is displayed in asubsequent screen. The records for conversion have to be selected here.
If the indicator 'test run' has been set, the database is not updated.

The results of the conversion are displayed in the form of anapplication log.

392518BP: Euro changeover of capital investments in rels