SAP Program RPASR_XI_CUST_ADJUST_05 - Utility XI Integration: Transfer Customizing to New Tables

You can use this program to copy Customizing settings that you made inyour client for XI scenario NEWHIREREQUEST. The program copies thesettings to new Customizing tables. The new Customizing tables werecreated because you made changes to the data model of Customizingentities for the XI integration of HR Administrative Services inthe mySAP ERP 2005 HR Support Package 09 (HR SP 09).
Prior to HR SP 09, the dependencies between the entities were asfollows:

  • There could be one or more XI scenarios for an XI message type. These XI
  • scenarios were predefined by SAP.
    • The following entities were assigned to the XI scenario:

    • The workflow template to be started - it contains interactive steps forselecting the process and the process start.
      The process group, which contains all processes that are potentially tobe started for the XI scenario
      The form scenario, which records the XI data and acts as the containerfor XI data and XI attachments
      Data transfer from XI fields and XI attachments to the fields andattachment types of the form scenario
      As of HR SP 09, the dependencies between the entities have changed asfollows:
      • There can still be one or more XI scenarios for an XI message type.

      • The following entities are now assigned to the XI message type:

      • The workflow template to be started - it contains interactive steps forselecting the process and the process start.
        The form scenario, which records the XI data and acts as the containerfor XI data and XI attachments
        Data transfer from XI fields and XI attachments to the fields andattachment types of the form scenario
        • Now only the process group that contains all processes that are
        • potentially to be started for the XI scenario is assigned to the XIscenario.
          For XI integration, the XI scenario NEWHIREREQUEST is currentlyavailable for the XI message type HireRequest. This program isspecifically designed for this.
          You are not allowed to run the program in the SAP delivery client(client 000).

          You are using XI integration of HR Administrative Services.

          The program supports the following functions:

          • Transfer of SAP delivery Customizing from delivery client (client
          • 000)
            This option is suitable if you used standard Customizing for XIintegration up to now, and you have not created any objects of your own.If you choose this option, the program makes the following changes:
            It assigns standard workflow template WS17900415 and sample formscenario SXHR to XI message type HireRequest.
            It copies the standard definition of data transfer from XI fields and XIattachments to the fields and attachment types of the form scenario fromthe delivery client.
            • Transfer of Customizing that you set up for the old data model in
            • your client
              This option is suitable if you already created your own objects for XIintegration, for example, for your own form scenario or workflowtemplate. If you choose this option, the program makes the followingchanges:
              It assigns the workflow template and form scenario, which werepreviously assigned to the XI scenario NEWHIREREQUEST, to the XI messagetype HireRequest.
              It moves the definition of data transfer from the XI fields and XIattachments to the fields and attachment types of the form scenario fromthe level of the XI scenario to the level of the XI message type.
              In the selection screen, there is a status display function forCustomizing. For the old and new Customizing tables, this function showsif SAP delivery Customizing is being used, or if there arecustomer-specific settings.
              You can simulate the changes in a test run.

              The status of the report, and any errors that occur, are shown in thelog.

976574Customizing changes for XI integration