SAP Program RPAPL012 - Variable Applicant List

You can use this report to compile a flexible list of applicant data.This report allows you to sort applicants by age, postal area and soon. On the selection screen, you can determine what kind of applicantdata you want in the list. You can select any combination of up to 20fields from various infotypes on this screen.

If you are on the selection screen of this report and choose Fieldselection you can select up to 20 fields from various infotypes bydouble-clicking on the field in question. You are not obligated todefine any further selection criteria. Once you have run the report,the resulting data is displayed in Table Control in the sequence inwhich you selected them. To display the list in a printable format,choose Page layout.
Note: Remember here that if you enter a key date in theRec.of application field of the selection screen, then onlyapplications that were received on this key date will be selected. Ifyou enter a date in the Key date for data selection field, thenthe system will only select applicant data records that are valid onthe key date specified.

You want to see what the age distribution is for applicants whoresponded to a specific job advertisement, and also what postal areasthey come from. On the selection screen, specify the job advertisementas a selection criterium. The choose Field selection and selectthe lines Age of applicant and Postal code. If you wantmore information on the applicants, you might like to select surnameand applicant number also. Now execute the report. The data selectedwill then be displayed in Table Control.