SAP Program RPAPL008 - Evaluate Recruitment Instruments

You can display a list of all recruitment instruments using thisreport.

The list contains the following data:

  • Recruitment instrument

  • Number of job advertisements published in this recruitment instrument

  • Number of applicants who have applied for the jobs referred to in these
  • advertisements
    • Total cost of all job advertisements published in this recruitment
    • instrument
      • Advertising costs per application received

      • The value displayed here is the result of dividing the total cost ofall advertisements in a recruitment instrument by the number ofapplicants.
        Note: If the advertising costs per recruitment instrument areentered in different currencies, this is indicated by a system message.The value displayed has no meaning in this case.

        You can access two further reports directly from the display screen ofthis report:

        • You can display a list of the job advertisements for each recruitment
        • instrument displayed in the list using report RPAPL006, Evaluationof Job Advertisement.
          Procedure: In order to do this position the cursor on thenumeric value in the No.of job adverts field assigned to eachrecruitment instrument and activate the Choose function.
          • You can display a list of the applicants for each recruitment
          • instrument displayed in the list using report RPAPL001, List ofApplicants by Name.
            Procedure: To do this, position the cursor on the numeric valuein the No.of Applicants field assigned to each recruitmentinstrument and activate the Choose function.